On Friday 02 February 2007, Jeremy Kerr wrote:
> > I'm not a history plugin guy, but my first feeling is to use the
> > myself contact, since at the very least you are in the chat yourself,
> > no?
> ... which brings me to the question - what's the policy on the 'members'
> list for a chatsession - should it contain the myself contact ?
> I've seen lots of instances of members->first(), to get the remote
> contact for a chat. If 'myself' is in members, we need to be careful
> about the order of that list.. :(

Good one. I haven't programmed on Kopete for so long that I don't really know 
anymore. :S

Myself is not needed per se, since it can be derived from the account.

There are more issues with history though. One that has bitten me a gazillion 
times over the past few days is that if you have three chats (on MSN), one 
with person A, one with B, and one group with both A and B, history is 
royally messed up.

If you close the group chat before the private one, the group chat history is 
gone. If you close the private chat first, that history is gone.

A possible solution would be for history to allow mixing logs from multiple 

That would also solve the side effect of not always being able to find group 
chats since you have to search in both contacts' history if you don't know 
who of the two added you -- if history allows mixing data it can also send it 
to *BOTH* histories more easily.

And that latter would solve your problem too: just send a line to all 
participants. If there are none, send it nowhere, but don't hardcode the 
recipient on chat init. Instead determine it per message.

Ok, this mail got long and incoherent. I'm clearly too tired now. If you 
couldn't follow I'll explain tomorrow. Now sleep first :)


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