On Tuesday 31 March 2009 00:12:48 Roman Jarosz wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Mar 2009 07:12:01 +0200, Joshua J. Berry <d...@condordes.net>
> > I've noticed two bugs so far (or at least, I'd consider them bugs):
> >
> > One, it seems to pick a random set of protocol icons to show (but always
> > one or
> > two, never more).  For instance, I have one friend for whom I have two
> > AIM
> > accounts, a Yahoo and a Jabber account.  He's online right now on both
> > AIMs, but
> > only the Yahoo and Jabber are showing up.
> This was because the width of protocol icons was set to 20%. Yesterday
> I've added
> "Optimal width" to layout manager action so it should be already fixed.

Great -- I also saw the reviewboard patch for the offline status icons.

> > I'm also not sure what I think about the bold font -- though honestly
> > I'll
> > probably get used to it in a few days and not even notice.
> We can change the default layout, I've have to create one default layout so
> I did this. If more people think that it would be better with normal text
> I'm ok with it or we can create more predefined layouts.
> Btw. do you know that you can configure this in layout manager? ;)

Yes, I found the layout manager -- was more commenting on the default look.  
I'll probably just wait a few days and see if I get used to the bold or not. :)

> > As a side thought, it might be nice to work with the Amarok devs (and
> > maybe talk
> > to the KMail people, also?) to see if the model/view stuff could be
> > generalized
> > and put in kdelibs.  Seems like there's a lot of similar functionality
> > there
> > that other apps could make use of.
> Right now we share Amarok code (the layout manager code). IMHO sharing
> Kopete mode/view code would be hard because there's lot of Kopete specific
> stuff.

Right, I was talking about the layout manager.  (So that's what it's called!)  
know KMail does something vaguely similar-but-different, and I was thinking it 
would be great if other apps could add similar functionality with a minimum of 
fuss.  (Dolphin, Akregator and the address book all come to mind... dunno if 
they would be interested.)

-- Josh

Joshua J. Berry

"I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape somewhere."
    -- /usr/games/fortune

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