On Thursday 03 December 2009 07:45:31 am Aurélien Gâteau wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a bit late at this, but I wanted to send you a patch which has been
> integrated in Kubuntu Karmic to add support for the Message Indicator to
> Kopete.
> Message Indicator is a new way to avoid missing incoming messages. It
> tries to avoid disturbing the user while still providing him access to
> necessary information. This system is cross-desktop: it is implement on
> KDE as a Plasma widget, and on GNOME as a panel applet.
> For more information you can have a look at a post from my blog:
> http://agateau.wordpress.com/2009/09/18/indicators-notifications-and-co/
> This patch adds support for this new system to Kopete. I initially
> implemented it completely as a plugin, but in the end I had to extend
> the plugin API a bit so that my plugin was able to control whether the
> application should exit when the user click the (x) button of the main
> window. This was necessary because the plugin implement a
> systray-icon-like behavior (ie: If the plugin is running, clicking the
> (x) button should not close Kopete)
> To build this plugin you need:
> - libindicate: http://launchpad.net/libindicate
> - libindicate-qt: http://launchpad.net/libindicate-qt
> You probably also want the Plasma widget:
> - https://launchpad.net/plasma-indicatordisplay
> I know this is quite late in KDE schedule to ask for this to go in
> trunk. If you like the idea but think it is too late for KDE 4.4, I'll
> come back to you when trunk unfreeze for 4.5.
> Aurélien
> PS: Please CC me of answers

The plugin should go to extragear proper. The other changes to Kopete itself 
can go in.

Also, the cmake check is not up to KDE standards since it uses pkg-config, so 
you'll want to write a libindicate and/or libqindicate cmake module for it.

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