I have attached a diff file for the changes. The most important changes are in the files /kopete/protocols/yahoo/libkyahoo/webcamtask.cpp /kopete/protocols/yahoo/libkyahoo/picturenotifiertask.h /kopete/protocols/yahoo/libkyahoo/picturenotifiertask.cpp /kopete/protocols/yahoo/libkyahoo/client.cpp /kopete/libkopete/kopetechatsession.cpp
The rest of the changes are just debuging changes. I will retest this today if anyone see bugs in other protocols related to these changes please notify us.. What these changes do. You can accept a webcam from a Yahoo user. You can send your webcam (Bug still here but they can then request and view your web cam)(It does not send the popup to the other user.) I am using Mandria and a fault there mentioned that you must run this command first before it works perfectly. export LD_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so kopete The users Avatars now are downloaded and stored, It only downloads them so far if the other user changes their Avatar while you are online. I will review this and see if I can force a request to the users, so then we can get the latest when you are either chatting or when they go online. Regards Michael Cole...
Only in kdenetwork-mine/kopete/: config-kopete.h Only in kdenetwork-mine/kopete/: kopete.kpf diff -d -r -x .svn -x CMakeFiles -x Makefile -x '*.cmake' -x '*moc*' kdenetwork-mine/kopete/libkopete/avdevice/dummyvideodevice.cpp kdenetwork1/kopete/libkopete/avdevice/dummyvideodevice.cpp 35,36d34 < kDebug() << "libkopete Dummy Device"; < diff -d -r -x .svn -x CMakeFiles -x Makefile -x '*.cmake' -x '*moc*' kdenetwork-mine/kopete/libkopete/avdevice/videodevice.cpp kdenetwork1/kopete/libkopete/avdevice/videodevice.cpp 40,41c40 < qDebug() <<" libkopete (avdevice): VideoDevice() called"; < qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): VideoDevice() called"; --- > // kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): VideoDevice() called"; 45c44 < qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): VideoDevice() exited successfuly"; --- > // kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): VideoDevice() exited successfuly"; 66c65 < qDebug() << "Checking CID controls"; --- > kDebug() << "Checking CID controls"; 77c76 < qDebug() << " Control: " << QString::fromLocal8Bit((const char*)queryctrl.name) << " Values from " << queryctrl.minimum << " to " << queryctrl.maximum << " with steps of " << queryctrl.step << ". Default: " << queryctrl.default_value; --- > kDebug() << " Control: " << QString::fromLocal8Bit((const char*)queryctrl.name) << " Values from " << queryctrl.minimum << " to " << queryctrl.maximum << " with steps of " << queryctrl.step << ". Default: " << queryctrl.default_value; 96c95 < qDebug() << "Checking CID private controls"; --- > kDebug() << "Checking CID private controls"; 106c105 < qDebug() << " Control: " << QString::fromLocal8Bit((const char*)queryctrl.name) << " Values from " << queryctrl.minimum << " to " << queryctrl.maximum << " with steps of " << queryctrl.step << ". Default: " << queryctrl.default_value; --- > kDebug() << " Control: " << QString::fromLocal8Bit((const char*)queryctrl.name) << " Values from " << queryctrl.minimum << " to " << queryctrl.maximum << " with steps of " << queryctrl.step << ". Default: " << queryctrl.default_value; 124c123 < qDebug() << " Menu items:"; --- > kDebug() << " Menu items:"; 133c132 < qDebug() << " " << QString::fromLocal8Bit((const char*)querymenu.name); --- > kDebug() << " " << QString::fromLocal8Bit((const char*)querymenu.name); 187c186 < qDebug() << "called"; --- > kDebug() << "called"; 190c189 < qDebug() << "Device is already open"; --- > kDebug() << "Device is already open"; 200c199 < qDebug() << "File " << full_filename << " was opened successfuly"; --- > kDebug() << "File " << full_filename << " was opened successfuly"; 203c202 < qDebug() << "File " << full_filename << " could not be opened"; --- > kDebug() << "File " << full_filename << " could not be opened"; 210c209 < qDebug() << "Unable to open file " << full_filename << "Err: "<< errno; --- > kDebug() << "Unable to open file " << full_filename << "Err: "<< errno; 216c215 < qDebug() << "exited successfuly"; --- > kDebug() << "exited successfuly"; 224c223 < qDebug() << "VideoDevice::isOpen() File is not open"; --- > // kDebug() << "VideoDevice::isOpen() File is not open"; 227c226 < qDebug() << "VideoDevice::isOpen() File is open"; --- > // kDebug() << "VideoDevice::isOpen() File is open"; 233c232 < qDebug() << "checkDevice() called."; --- > kDebug() << "checkDevice() called."; 254c253 < qDebug() << "checkDevice(): " << full_filename << " is not a video capture device."; --- > kDebug() << "checkDevice(): " << full_filename << " is not a video capture device."; 259c258 < qDebug() << "checkDevice(): " << full_filename << " is a V4L2 device."; --- > kDebug() << "checkDevice(): " << full_filename << " is a V4L2 device."; 268c267 < qDebug() << "VIDIOC_G_FMT failed (" << errno << ")."; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOC_G_FMT failed (" << errno << ")."; 275c274 < qDebug() << "Detecting maximum size with VIDIOC_S_FMT failed (" << errno << ").Returned maxwidth: " << pixelFormatName(fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat) << " " << fmt.fmt.pix.width << "x" << fmt.fmt.pix.height; --- > kDebug() << "Detecting maximum size with VIDIOC_S_FMT failed (" << errno << ").Returned maxwidth: " << pixelFormatName(fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat) << " " << fmt.fmt.pix.width << "x" << fmt.fmt.pix.height; 284c283 < qDebug() << "VIDIOC_G_FMT failed (" << errno << ")."; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOC_G_FMT failed (" << errno << ")."; 291c290 < qDebug() << "Detecting minimum size with VIDIOC_S_FMT failed (" << errno << ").Returned maxwidth: " << fmt.fmt.pix.width << "x" << fmt.fmt.pix.height; --- > kDebug() << "Detecting minimum size with VIDIOC_S_FMT failed (" << errno << ").Returned maxwidth: " << fmt.fmt.pix.width << "x" << fmt.fmt.pix.height; 325c324 < qDebug() << "Input " << loop << ": " << tempinput.name << " (tuner: " << ((videoinput.type & V4L2_INPUT_TYPE_TUNER) != 0) << ")"; --- > kDebug() << "Input " << loop << ": " << tempinput.name << " (tuner: " << ((videoinput.type & V4L2_INPUT_TYPE_TUNER) != 0) << ")"; 342c341 < qDebug() << "checkDevice(): " << full_filename << " is not a V4L2 device."; --- > kDebug() << "checkDevice(): " << full_filename << " is not a V4L2 device."; 351c350 < qDebug() << "checkDevice(): " << full_filename << " Trying V4L API."; --- > kDebug() << "checkDevice(): " << full_filename << " Trying V4L API."; 360c359 < qDebug() << full_filename << " is a V4L device."; --- > kDebug() << full_filename << " is a V4L device."; 371,372c370,371 < // qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Inputs : " << V4L_capabilities.channels; < // qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Audios : " << V4L_capabilities.audios; --- > // kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Inputs : " << V4L_capabilities.channels; > // kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Audios : " << V4L_capabilities.audios; 395c394 < // qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Input " << loop << ": " << tempinput.name << " (tuner: " << ((videoinput.flags & VIDEO_VC_TUNER) != 0) << ")"; --- > // kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Input " << loop << ": " << tempinput.name << " (tuner: " << ((videoinput.flags & VIDEO_VC_TUNER) != 0) << ")"; 418c417 < qDebug() << "checkDevice() exited successfuly."; --- > kDebug() << "checkDevice() exited successfuly."; 430c429 < qDebug() << "showDeviceCapabilities() called."; --- > kDebug() << "showDeviceCapabilities() called."; 433c432 < /* qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Driver: " << (const char*)V4L2_capabilities.driver << " " --- > /* kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Driver: " << (const char*)V4L2_capabilities.driver << " " 437,438c436,437 < qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Device: " << name; < qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Capabilities:"; --- > kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Device: " << name; > kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Capabilities:"; 440c439 < qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Video capture"; --- > kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Video capture"; 442c441 < qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Video output"; --- > kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Video output"; 444c443 < qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Video overlay"; --- > kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Video overlay"; 446c445 < qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): VBI capture"; --- > kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): VBI capture"; 448c447 < qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): VBI output"; --- > kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): VBI output"; 450c449 < qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): RDS capture"; --- > kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): RDS capture"; 452c451 < qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Tuner IO"; --- > kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Tuner IO"; 454c453 < qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Audio IO"; --- > kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Audio IO"; 456,458c455,457 < qDebug() << "Device model: " << m_model; < qDebug() << "Device name : " << m_name; < qDebug() << "Capabilities:"; --- > kDebug() << "Device model: " << m_model; > kDebug() << "Device name : " << m_name; > kDebug() << "Capabilities:"; 460c459 < qDebug() << " Video capture"; --- > kDebug() << " Video capture"; 462c461 < qDebug() << " Read"; --- > kDebug() << " Read"; 464c463 < qDebug() << " Asynchronous input/output"; --- > kDebug() << " Asynchronous input/output"; 466c465 < qDebug() << " Streaming"; --- > kDebug() << " Streaming"; 468c467 < qDebug() << " Video chromakey"; --- > kDebug() << " Video chromakey"; 470c469 < qDebug() << " Video scales"; --- > kDebug() << " Video scales"; 472,476c471,475 < qDebug() << " Video overlay"; < // qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Audios : " << V4L_capabilities.audios; < qDebug() << " Max res: " << maxWidth() << " x " << maxHeight(); < qDebug() << " Min res: " << minWidth() << " x " << minHeight(); < qDebug() << " Inputs : " << inputs(); --- > kDebug() << " Video overlay"; > // kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): Audios : " << V4L_capabilities.audios; > kDebug() << " Max res: " << maxWidth() << " x " << maxHeight(); > kDebug() << " Min res: " << minWidth() << " x " << minHeight(); > kDebug() << " Inputs : " << inputs(); 478,479c477,478 < qDebug() << "Input " << loop << ": " << m_input[loop].name << " (tuner: " << m_input[loop].hastuner << ")"; < qDebug() << "showDeviceCapabilities() exited successfuly."; --- > kDebug() << "Input " << loop << ": " << m_input[loop].name << " (tuner: " << m_input[loop].hastuner << ")"; > kDebug() << "showDeviceCapabilities() exited successfuly."; 491c490 < qDebug() << "initDevice() started"; --- > kDebug() << "initDevice() started"; 494c493 < qDebug() << "initDevice() Device is not open"; --- > kDebug() << "initDevice() Device is not open"; 507c506 < qDebug() << " Read/Write interface"; --- > kDebug() << " Read/Write interface"; 512c511 < qDebug() << " Async IO interface"; --- > kDebug() << " Async IO interface"; 519c518 < qDebug() << " Streaming interface"; --- > kDebug() << " Streaming interface"; 523c522 < qDebug() << "initDevice() Found no suitable input/output method for " << full_filename; --- > kDebug() << "initDevice() Found no suitable input/output method for " << full_filename; 535c534 < qDebug() << " Streaming interface"; --- > kDebug() << " Streaming interface"; 566c565 < qDebug() << "initDevice() exited successfuly"; --- > kDebug() << "initDevice() exited successfuly"; 608c607 < qDebug() << "setSize(" << newwidth << ", " << newheight << ") called."; --- > kDebug() << "setSize(" << newwidth << ", " << newheight << ") called."; 613c612 < qDebug() << "Trying YUY422P"; --- > kDebug() << "Trying YUY422P"; 616c615 < qDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support YUV422P format. Trying YUYV."; --- > kDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support YUV422P format. Trying YUYV."; 619c618 < qDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support YUYV format. Trying UYVY."; --- > kDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support YUYV format. Trying UYVY."; 622c621 < qDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support UYVY format. Trying YUV420P."; --- > kDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support UYVY format. Trying YUV420P."; 625c624 < qDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support YUV420P format. Trying RGB24."; --- > kDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support YUV420P format. Trying RGB24."; 628c627 < qDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support RGB24 format. Trying BGR24."; --- > kDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support RGB24 format. Trying BGR24."; 631c630 < qDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support RGB24 format. Trying RGB32."; --- > kDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support RGB24 format. Trying RGB32."; 634c633 < qDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support RGB32 format. Trying BGR32."; --- > kDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support RGB32 format. Trying BGR32."; 637c636 < qDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support BGR32 format. Trying SBGGR8."; --- > kDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support BGR32 format. Trying SBGGR8."; 640c639 < qDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support SBGGR8 format. Trying SN9C10X."; --- > kDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support SBGGR8 format. Trying SN9C10X."; 642c641 < qDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support BGR32 format. Fallback to it is not yet implemented."; --- > kDebug() << "Device doesn't seem to support BGR32 format. Fallback to it is not yet implemented."; 661c660 < //qDebug() << "width: " << pixelFormatName(fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat) << " " << width() << "x" << height(); --- > //kDebug() << "width: " << pixelFormatName(fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat) << " " << width() << "x" << height(); 670c669 < qDebug() << "VIDIOC_G_FMT failed (" << errno << ").Returned width: " << pixelFormatName(fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat) << " " << fmt.fmt.pix.width << "x" << fmt.fmt.pix.height; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOC_G_FMT failed (" << errno << ").Returned width: " << pixelFormatName(fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat) << " " << fmt.fmt.pix.width << "x" << fmt.fmt.pix.height; 677c676 < qDebug() << "VIDIOC_S_FMT failed (" << errno << ").Returned width: " << pixelFormatName(fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat) << " " << fmt.fmt.pix.width << "x" << fmt.fmt.pix.height; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOC_S_FMT failed (" << errno << ").Returned width: " << pixelFormatName(fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat) << " " << fmt.fmt.pix.width << "x" << fmt.fmt.pix.height; 683c682 < qDebug() << "VIDIOC_S_FMT worked (" << errno << ").Returned width: " << pixelFormatName(fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat) << " " << fmt.fmt.pix.width << "x" << fmt.fmt.pix.height; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOC_S_FMT worked (" << errno << ").Returned width: " << pixelFormatName(fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat) << " " << fmt.fmt.pix.width << "x" << fmt.fmt.pix.height; 711c710 < qDebug() << "------------- width: " << V4L_videowindow.width << " Height: " << V4L_videowindow.height << " Clipcount: " << V4L_videowindow.clipcount << " -----------------"; --- > kDebug() << "------------- width: " << V4L_videowindow.width << " Height: " << V4L_videowindow.height << " Clipcount: " << V4L_videowindow.clipcount << " -----------------"; 713c712 < // qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): V4L_picture.palette: " << V4L_picture.palette << " Depth: " << V4L_picture.depth; --- > // kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): V4L_picture.palette: " << V4L_picture.palette << " Depth: " << V4L_picture.depth; 716c715 < qDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): VIDIOCGFBUF failed (" << errno << "): Device cannot stream";*/ --- > kDebug() << "libkopete (avdevice): VIDIOCGFBUF failed (" << errno << "): Device cannot stream";*/ 726c725 < qDebug() << "------------------------- ------- -- m_buffer_size: " << m_buffer_size << " !!! -- ------- -----------------------------------------"; --- > kDebug() << "------------------------- ------- -- m_buffer_size: " << m_buffer_size << " !!! -- ------- -----------------------------------------"; 739c738 < qDebug() << "setSize(" << newwidth << ", " << newheight << ") exited successfuly."; --- > kDebug() << "setSize(" << newwidth << ", " << newheight << ") exited successfuly."; 742c741 < qDebug() << "setSize(" << newwidth << ", " << newheight << ") Device is not open."; --- > kDebug() << "setSize(" << newwidth << ", " << newheight << ") Device is not open."; 761c760 < //qDebug() << "called."; --- > //kDebug() << "called."; 772c771 < // qDebug() << "VIDIOC_G_FMT failed (" << errno << ").Returned width: " << pixelFormatName(fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat) << " " << fmt.fmt.pix.width << "x" << fmt.fmt.pix.height; --- > // kDebug() << "VIDIOC_G_FMT failed (" << errno << ").Returned width: " << pixelFormatName(fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat) << " " << fmt.fmt.pix.width << "x" << fmt.fmt.pix.height; 780c779 < // qDebug() << "VIDIOC_S_FMT failed (" << errno << ").Returned width: " << pixelFormatName(fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat) << " " << fmt.fmt.pix.width << "x" << fmt.fmt.pix.height; --- > // kDebug() << "VIDIOC_S_FMT failed (" << errno << ").Returned width: " << pixelFormatName(fmt.fmt.pix.pixelformat) << " " << fmt.fmt.pix.width << "x" << fmt.fmt.pix.height; 796,797c795,796 < qDebug() << "VIDIOCGPICT failed (" << errno << ")."; < // qDebug() << "V4L_picture.palette: " << V4L_picture.palette << " Depth: " << V4L_picture.depth; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOCGPICT failed (" << errno << ")."; > // kDebug() << "V4L_picture.palette: " << V4L_picture.palette << " Depth: " << V4L_picture.depth; 802c801 < // qDebug() << "Device seems to not support " << pixelFormatName(newformat) << " format. Fallback to it is not yet implemented."; --- > // kDebug() << "Device seems to not support " << pixelFormatName(newformat) << " format. Fallback to it is not yet implemented."; 806c805 < qDebug() << "VIDIOCGPICT failed (" << errno << ")."; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOCGPICT failed (" << errno << ")."; 808c807 < // qDebug() << "V4L_picture.palette: " << V4L_picture.palette << " Depth: " << V4L_picture.depth; --- > // kDebug() << "V4L_picture.palette: " << V4L_picture.palette << " Depth: " << V4L_picture.depth; 879c878 < qDebug() << "Selected input " << newinput << " (" << m_input[newinput].name << ")"; --- > kDebug() << "Selected input " << newinput << " (" << m_input[newinput].name << ")"; 911c910 < qDebug() << "called."; --- > kDebug() << "called."; 968c967 < qDebug() << "exited successfuly."; --- > kDebug() << "exited successfuly."; 987c986 < // qDebug() << "getFrame() called."; --- > // kDebug() << "getFrame() called."; 996c995 < // qDebug() << "Using IO_METHOD_READ.File descriptor: " << descriptor << " Buffer address: " << &m_currentbuffer.data[0] << " Size: " << m_currentbuffer.data.size(); --- > // kDebug() << "Using IO_METHOD_READ.File descriptor: " << descriptor << " Buffer address: " << &m_currentbuffer.data[0] << " Size: " << m_currentbuffer.data.size(); 1007c1006 < qDebug() << "IO_METHOD_READ failed."; --- > kDebug() << "IO_METHOD_READ failed."; 1019c1018 < qDebug() << "IO_METHOD_READ returned less bytes (" << bytesread << ") than it was asked for (" << m_currentbuffer.data.size() <<")."; --- > kDebug() << "IO_METHOD_READ returned less bytes (" << bytesread << ") than it was asked for (" << m_currentbuffer.data.size() <<")."; 1030c1029 < qDebug() << full_filename << " MMAPed getFrame failed."; --- > kDebug() << full_filename << " MMAPed getFrame failed."; 1035c1034 < qDebug() << full_filename << " MMAPed getFrame failed: EAGAIN. Pointer: "; --- > kDebug() << full_filename << " MMAPed getFrame failed: EAGAIN. Pointer: "; 1045c1044 < // qDebug() << "m_rawbuffers[" << v4l2buffer.index << "].start: " << (void *)m_rawbuffers[v4l2buffer.index].start << " Size: " << m_currentbuffer.data.size(); --- > // kDebug() << "m_rawbuffers[" << v4l2buffer.index << "].start: " << (void *)m_rawbuffers[v4l2buffer.index].start << " Size: " << m_currentbuffer.data.size(); 1091c1090 < // qDebug() << "exited successfuly."; --- > // kDebug() << "exited successfuly."; 1134c1133 < // qDebug() << "Capturing in " << pixelFormatName(m_currentbuffer.pixelformat); --- > // kDebug() << "Capturing in " << pixelFormatName(m_currentbuffer.pixelformat); 1370,1371c1369 < //int Rrange=255, Grange=255, Brange=255, Arange=255, globarange=255; < int Rrange=255, Grange=255, Brange=255 ; --- > int Rrange=255, Grange=255, Brange=255, Arange=255, globarange=255; 1409c1407 < qDebug() << " R: " << R << " G: " << G << " B: " << B << " A: " << A << " global: " << global << --- > kDebug() << " R: " << R << " G: " << G << " B: " << B << " A: " << A << " global: " << global << 1430c1428 < qDebug() << "called."; --- > kDebug() << "called."; 1459c1457 < qDebug() << "unable to munmap."; --- > kDebug() << "unable to munmap."; 1467c1465 < qDebug() << "exited successfuly."; --- > kDebug() << "exited successfuly."; 1480c1478 < qDebug() << " called."; --- > kDebug() << " called."; 1483c1481 < qDebug() << " Device is open. Trying to properly shutdown the device."; --- > kDebug() << " Device is open. Trying to properly shutdown the device."; 1490c1488 < qDebug() << "::close() returns " << ret; --- > kDebug() << "::close() returns " << ret; 1506c1504 < qDebug() << "(" << brightness << ") called."; --- > kDebug() << "(" << brightness << ") called."; 1525c1523 < qDebug() << "VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; 1528c1526 < qDebug() << "Device doesn't support the Brightness control."; --- > kDebug() << "Device doesn't support the Brightness control."; 1533c1531 < qDebug() << "Brightness control is disabled."; --- > kDebug() << "Brightness control is disabled."; 1543c1541 < qDebug() << "VIDIOC_S_CTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOC_S_CTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; 1553c1551 < qDebug() << "VIDIOCGPICT failed (" << errno << ")."; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOCGPICT failed (" << errno << ")."; 1556c1554 < qDebug() << "Device seems to not support adjusting image brightness. Fallback to it is not yet implemented."; --- > kDebug() << "Device seems to not support adjusting image brightness. Fallback to it is not yet implemented."; 1577c1575 < qDebug() << "(" << contrast << ") called."; --- > kDebug() << "(" << contrast << ") called."; 1596c1594 < qDebug() << "VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; 1599c1597 < qDebug() << "Device doesn't support the Contrast control."; --- > kDebug() << "Device doesn't support the Contrast control."; 1604c1602 < qDebug() << "Contrast control is disabled."; --- > kDebug() << "Contrast control is disabled."; 1614c1612 < qDebug() << "VIDIOC_S_CTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOC_S_CTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; 1624c1622 < qDebug() << "VIDIOCGPICT failed (" << errno << ")."; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOCGPICT failed (" << errno << ")."; 1627c1625 < qDebug() << "Device seems to not support adjusting image contrast. Fallback to it is not yet implemented."; --- > kDebug() << "Device seems to not support adjusting image contrast. Fallback to it is not yet implemented."; 1648c1646 < qDebug() << "(" << saturation << ") called."; --- > kDebug() << "(" << saturation << ") called."; 1667c1665 < qDebug() << "VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; 1670c1668 < qDebug() << "Device doesn't support the Saturation control."; --- > kDebug() << "Device doesn't support the Saturation control."; 1675c1673 < qDebug() << "Saturation control is disabled."; --- > kDebug() << "Saturation control is disabled."; 1685c1683 < qDebug() << "VIDIOC_S_CTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOC_S_CTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; 1695c1693 < qDebug() << "VIDIOCGPICT failed (" << errno << ")."; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOCGPICT failed (" << errno << ")."; 1698c1696 < qDebug() << "Device seems to not support adjusting image saturation. Fallback to it is not yet implemented."; --- > kDebug() << "Device seems to not support adjusting image saturation. Fallback to it is not yet implemented."; 1719c1717 < qDebug() << "(" << whiteness << ") called."; --- > kDebug() << "(" << whiteness << ") called."; 1738c1736 < qDebug() << "VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; 1741c1739 < qDebug() << "Device doesn't support the Whiteness control."; --- > kDebug() << "Device doesn't support the Whiteness control."; 1746c1744 < qDebug() << "Whiteness control is disabled."; --- > kDebug() << "Whiteness control is disabled."; 1756c1754 < qDebug() << "VIDIOC_S_CTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOC_S_CTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; 1766c1764 < qDebug() << "VIDIOCGPICT failed (" << errno << ")."; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOCGPICT failed (" << errno << ")."; 1769c1767 < qDebug() << "Device seems to not support adjusting white level. Fallback to it is not yet implemented."; --- > kDebug() << "Device seems to not support adjusting white level. Fallback to it is not yet implemented."; 1790c1788 < qDebug() << "(" << hue << ") called."; --- > kDebug() << "(" << hue << ") called."; 1809c1807 < qDebug() << "VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOC_QUERYCTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; 1812c1810 < qDebug() << "Device doesn't support the Hue control."; --- > kDebug() << "Device doesn't support the Hue control."; 1817c1815 < qDebug() << "Hue control is disabled."; --- > kDebug() << "Hue control is disabled."; 1827c1825 < qDebug() << "VIDIOC_S_CTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOC_S_CTRL failed (" << errno << ")."; 1837c1835 < qDebug() << "VIDIOCGPICT failed (" << errno << ")."; --- > kDebug() << "VIDIOCGPICT failed (" << errno << ")."; 1840c1838 < qDebug() << "Device seems to not support adjusting image hue. Fallback to it is not yet implemented."; --- > kDebug() << "Device seems to not support adjusting image hue. Fallback to it is not yet implemented."; 1862c1860 < qDebug() << "VideoDevice::setAutoBrightnessContrast(" << brightnesscontrast << ") called."; --- > kDebug() << "VideoDevice::setAutoBrightnessContrast(" << brightnesscontrast << ") called."; 1883c1881 < qDebug() << "VideoDevice::setAutoColorCorrection(" << colorcorrection << ") called."; --- > kDebug() << "VideoDevice::setAutoColorCorrection(" << colorcorrection << ") called."; 1903c1901 < qDebug() << "VideoDevice::setImageAsMirror(" << imageasmirror << ") called."; --- > kDebug() << "VideoDevice::setImageAsMirror(" << imageasmirror << ") called."; 2299c2297 < qDebug () << fmtdesc.pixelformat << " " << pixelFormatName(fmtdesc.pixelformat); // Need a cleanup. PixelFormatForPalette is a really bad name --- > kDebug () << fmtdesc.pixelformat << " " << pixelFormatName(fmtdesc.pixelformat); // Need a cleanup. PixelFormatForPalette is a really bad name 2310,2320c2308,2318 < qDebug() << "Supported pixel formats:"; < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_RGB332)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_RGB332); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_RGB444)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_RGB444); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_RGB555)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_RGB555); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_RGB565)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_RGB565); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_RGB555X)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_RGB555X); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_RGB565X)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_RGB565X); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_BGR24)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_BGR24); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_RGB24)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_RGB24); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_BGR32)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_BGR32); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_RGB32)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_RGB32); --- > kDebug() << "Supported pixel formats:"; > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_RGB332)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_RGB332); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_RGB444)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_RGB444); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_RGB555)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_RGB555); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_RGB565)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_RGB565); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_RGB555X)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_RGB555X); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_RGB565X)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_RGB565X); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_BGR24)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_BGR24); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_RGB24)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_RGB24); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_BGR32)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_BGR32); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_RGB32)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_RGB32); 2323c2321 < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_SBGGR8)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_SBGGR8); --- > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_SBGGR8)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_SBGGR8); 2326,2330c2324,2328 < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_GREY)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_GREY); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_YUYV)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_YUYV); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_UYVY)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_UYVY); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_YUV420P)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_YUV420P); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_YUV422P)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_YUV422P); --- > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_GREY)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_GREY); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_YUYV)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_YUYV); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_UYVY)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_UYVY); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_YUV420P)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_YUV420P); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_YUV422P)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_YUV422P); 2333,2334c2331,2332 < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_JPEG)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_JPEG); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_MPEG)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_MPEG); --- > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_JPEG)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_JPEG); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_MPEG)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_MPEG); 2337,2346c2335,2344 < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_DV)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_DV); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_ET61X251)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_ET61X251); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_HI240)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_HI240); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_HM12)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_HM12); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_MJPEG)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_MJPEG); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_PWC1)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_PWC1); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_PWC2)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_PWC2); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_SN9C10X)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_SN9C10X); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_WNVA)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_WNVA); < if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_YYUV)) qDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_YYUV); --- > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_DV)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_DV); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_ET61X251)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_ET61X251); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_HI240)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_HI240); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_HM12)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_HM12); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_MJPEG)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_MJPEG); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_PWC1)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_PWC1); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_PWC2)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_PWC2); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_SN9C10X)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_SN9C10X); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_WNVA)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_WNVA); > if(PIXELFORMAT_NONE != setPixelFormat(PIXELFORMAT_YYUV)) kDebug() << pixelFormatName(PIXELFORMAT_YYUV); 2625c2623 < qDebug() << "called."; --- > kDebug() << "called."; 2657,2658c2655,2656 < // qDebug() << standard.name; < qDebug() << signalStandardName(standard.id) << " (" << standard.id << ")" << V4L2_STD_NTSC; --- > // kDebug() << standard.name; > kDebug() << signalStandardName(standard.id) << " (" << standard.id << ")" << V4L2_STD_NTSC; 2694c2692 < qDebug() << "called."; --- > kDebug() << "called."; 2703c2701 < qDebug() << "m_buffer_size: " << m_buffer_size; --- > kDebug() << "m_buffer_size: " << m_buffer_size; 2714c2712 < qDebug() << "exited successfuly."; --- > kDebug() << "exited successfuly."; 2730c2728 < qDebug() << full_filename << " Trying to MMAP"; --- > kDebug() << full_filename << " Trying to MMAP"; 2744c2742 < qDebug() << full_filename << " does not support memory mapping"; --- > kDebug() << full_filename << " does not support memory mapping"; 2755c2753 < qDebug() << "Insufficient buffer memory on " << full_filename; --- > kDebug() << "Insufficient buffer memory on " << full_filename; 2763c2761 < qDebug() << "Out of memory"; --- > kDebug() << "Out of memory"; 2792c2790 < qDebug() << full_filename << " m_currentbuffer.data.size(): " << m_currentbuffer.data.size(); --- > kDebug() << full_filename << " m_currentbuffer.data.size(): " << m_currentbuffer.data.size(); 2820c2818 < qDebug() << full_filename << " does not support memory mapping"; --- > kDebug() << full_filename << " does not support memory mapping"; 2844c2842 < qDebug() << "Out of memory"; --- > kDebug() << "Out of memory"; diff -d -r -x .svn -x CMakeFiles -x Makefile -x '*.cmake' -x '*moc*' kdenetwork-mine/kopete/libkopete/avdevice/videodevicepool.cpp kdenetwork1/kopete/libkopete/avdevice/videodevicepool.cpp 489d488 < default: break; diff -d -r -x .svn -x CMakeFiles -x Makefile -x '*.cmake' -x '*moc*' kdenetwork-mine/kopete/libkopete/kopetechatsession.cpp kdenetwork1/kopete/libkopete/kopetechatsession.cpp 162c162 < qDebug()<< "have no custom displayname..."; --- > qDebug()<< "have nto custom displayname..."; diff -d -r -x .svn -x CMakeFiles -x Makefile -x '*.cmake' -x '*moc*' kdenetwork-mine/kopete/protocols/yahoo/libkyahoo/client.cpp kdenetwork1/kopete/protocols/yahoo/libkyahoo/client.cpp 533d532 < kDebug(YAHOO_RAW_DEBUG); 879,880d877 < QObject::connect( d->pictureNotifierTask, SIGNAL( downloadPicture( const QString &, KUrl, int ) ), < SIGNAL( downloadPicture( const QString &, KUrl, int ) ) ); diff -d -r -x .svn -x CMakeFiles -x Makefile -x '*.cmake' -x '*moc*' kdenetwork-mine/kopete/protocols/yahoo/libkyahoo/messagereceivertask.cpp kdenetwork1/kopete/protocols/yahoo/libkyahoo/messagereceivertask.cpp 59c59 < --- > 124c124 < --- > diff -d -r -x .svn -x CMakeFiles -x Makefile -x '*.cmake' -x '*moc*' kdenetwork-mine/kopete/protocols/yahoo/libkyahoo/picturenotifiertask.cpp kdenetwork1/kopete/protocols/yahoo/libkyahoo/picturenotifiertask.cpp 52d51 < parsePicture( t ); 56d54 < parsePicture( t ); 105c103 < parsePicture( t ); --- > 114d111 < 130c127 < --- > 133d129 < // note i had below set to a zero ?? 136d131 < diff -d -r -x .svn -x CMakeFiles -x Makefile -x '*.cmake' -x '*moc*' kdenetwork-mine/kopete/protocols/yahoo/libkyahoo/picturenotifiertask.h kdenetwork1/kopete/protocols/yahoo/libkyahoo/picturenotifiertask.h 47,48c47 < void pictureInfoNotify( const QString &, KUrl, int ); < void downloadPicture( const QString &, KUrl, int ); --- > void pictureInfoNotify( const QString &, KUrl, int ); diff -d -r -x .svn -x CMakeFiles -x Makefile -x '*.cmake' -x '*moc*' kdenetwork-mine/kopete/protocols/yahoo/libkyahoo/webcamtask.cpp kdenetwork1/kopete/protocols/yahoo/libkyahoo/webcamtask.cpp 70c70 < if ( t->service() == Yahoo::ServiceWebcam ) --- > if ( t->service() == Yahoo::ServiceWebcam ) 79c79 < --- > 101d100 < 110d108 < 231c229 < data = socket->readAll(); --- > socket->read ( data.data (), data.size () ); 233c231 < --- > 252d249 < //server = socketMap[socket].server; 283c280 < data = socket->readAll(); --- > socket->read( data.data (), data.size () ); 541c538 < { --- > { diff -d -r -x .svn -x CMakeFiles -x Makefile -x '*.cmake' -x '*moc*' kdenetwork-mine/kopete/protocols/yahoo/yahoocontact.cpp kdenetwork1/kopete/protocols/yahoo/yahoocontact.cpp 567d566 < qDebug()<< "buzz"; 634d632 < qDebug()<< "contact invite webcam"; 690d687 < qDebug()<< "request webcam";
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