On Monday 06 June 2016 02:51:35 4ernov wrote:
> Hello,
> to add some little bit of positive news, I wanted to inform, that I've
> returned to Kopete porting and fix some issues in the Jabber protocol. I
> pushed the code to my clone of Kopete repo on GitHub to not push
> preliminary changes to main porting branch, so here's the code:
> https://github.com/aclex/kopete/tree/kf5-jabber-iris.

Great! That you very much for doing this.

> Some time ago we discussed with Pali on some issues in the upstream XMPP
> library, libiris, and ways of experimenting with it to possibly change it.
> I tried to port the protocol with it at first, and it turned out, that the
> actual change to upstream needed is quite trivial and extremely small:
> https://github.com/psi-im/iris/pull/39.

I just waned to tell you to use qobject_cast, but now I see that you
already fixed it and upstream merged...

> Hopefully, it would be merged and
> we can synchronize it to have Qt5-compliant internal tree.

Syncing is not a problem, time to time I'm doing it.

> Switch to QXmpp
> still remains a sweet option, but it seems more wise to make all this
> consequently and finish the port first, before changing something else.

That switch would take couple of hours and I think libiris is usable for
now. Once everything will be ported we can investigate how hard can be
that switch...

> Apart from that, most of changes were kde-dev-scripts/kf5-driven, so to my
> rough testing most of windows I managed to touch work as expected. SSL
> connectivity doesn't work for some reason, as far, as I see it's something
> with libiris/QCA2-qt5 interaction problems. Still, it works and the
> functionality loss is less now.

You can try to ask on qca mailing list, if there are some problems with
switching applications from qt4 to qt5. Maybe somebody would know

> I think, there's a couple not ported protocols remaining in the tree, I'll
> try to fix it, too. And overall application looks a bit unstable for now,
> though I use it for everyday chatting for about 2-3 months already (I mean,
> KF5-partially ported version).

If you have code parts which are compatible with both qt4 and qt5 I can
merge it into kopete master branch (after review). Basically master
branch needs to be compiled with qt4 until Kopete will be fully ported
to qt5.

Pali Rohár
kopete-devel mailing list

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