One thing I stumbled on is the blog of somebody local. Is this the guy who Tracy pointed out?

Robert Donovan wrote:

One thing from this link that was interesting is that they *are* using "word processing appliances" called "AlphaSmart". Interesting, but it seems like they are way overpriced given that these things seem very little better than an old Tandy Model 100 (which should border on free with modern integration).

Here are the references from that:

They are *very* thin.  Sadly, as is most education "research".  Sigh.

Actually, I love the "Key Components of the Recommended Laptop Initiative"

Provide extra time, extra trainers, extra money, and an on-site computer admin, and it will likely succeed.

Um, duh.

Even Bill Gates admitted that almost *anything* will work if you dump a whole bunch of new resource at the problem. It shakes up students, engages parents and energizes teachers. It's *after* things become normal again that you find out that it didn't stick.



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