All I can think of are places like mySpace.  But that doesn't seem like
a good place to post this kind of stuff.

I'm having a problem in Gnumeric with regards to creating a chart that
shows what I want to see.  The data set is small, which I posted to the
gnumeric mailing list, and someone asked which plot type I am using and
asked to see a screenshot.  I took a screenshot of every chart it can
give me, none of which even come close to displaying anything sensible
of my data set.

BTW, each of the 46 png files shows the data set.

I don't think it would be right to attach all those png files (4M) and
send to the subscriber list.  But I don't want to make them available to
only the person who requested it.  I thought about pasteBin, but that
only does text apparently.

Government relief tends constantly to get out of hand. And even when it
is kept within reasonable bounds it tends to reduce the incentives to
work and to save both of those who receive it and of those who are
forced to pay it. It may be said, in fact, that practically every
measure that governments take with the ostensible object of 'helping the
poor' has the long-held effect of doing the opposite.
--Henry Hazlitt


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