In an industry that only clocks progress on linear semi-log plots
true innovation has become rare -- it's far too risky at the high

Right --- it's the anti-Innovator's-Dilemma.  As long as focusing on
making stuff smaller can get you 50+% improvements every year, you'll
beat all the Teras and Symbolicses just by doing that.

In DSP-land (the last refuge of VLIW?) strange innovations can find a home.

A couple of years ago* I'd wondered about gray-coded PC increments. Well, the DSP people haven't gone that far, but they do offer the option of bit-reversed autoincrementing index registers. By counting left-to-right (x000, x100, x010, x110, x001, x101, x011, x111, x000...) one can get various power-of-two circular buffers "for free".

That may seem like a lot of trouble to save a mask op, but there's a good market reason to provide the feature: bit reversal simplifies twiddling FFT butterflies.


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* "patricia indices for directed graphs" 000739.html

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