>From something on lambda.weblogs.com.

"""Compute the longest "add-a-gram" from a word list.

The problem is from http://www.itasoftware.com/careers/programmers.php

  An "add-a-gram" is a sequence of words formed by starting with a
  3-letter word, adding a letter and rearranging to form a 4-letter
  word, and so on. For example, here are add-a-grams of the words
  ail + s =          mar + c =
  sail + n =         cram + h =
  nails + e =        march + s =
  aliens + t =       charms + o =
  salient + r =      chromas + n =
  entrails + c =     monarchs + i =
  clarinets + e =    harmonics + a =
  interlaces + d =   maraschino + n =
  (length 11)        (length 11)

  Test your own credentials: given the dictionary found here
  [http://www.itasoftware.com/careers/WORD.LST] (1.66MB), what is the
  longest add-a-gram?

So this is a Python solution; on the 157077-word wordlist they give,
it runs on my laptop in 2 minutes, 22 seconds, and finds a length-16
"add-a-gram" for "indeterminations", starting with "ami".


import string, sys

def sig(ss):
    """Produce a signature of the string ss.

    Anagrams, and only anagrams, have the same signature.

    ll = list(str(ss))
    # we used to intern here, but destructors at program exit time were
    # taking way too much time, so it was a net loss
    return string.join(ll, '')

sigdict, ansdict = {}, {}
def longest_addagram(startword):
    """Memoized recursive tree search; dynamic programming backwards.

    Returns the longest add-a-gram starting from startword, which can
    be of any length and is intended to be a word or an anagram of a
    word, in the form of a string of letters to add to startword ---
    or None if startword isn't a word (or anagram of a word).

    Might be faster if I removed recursion from it...

    startword = sig(startword)
    if not sigdict.has_key(startword): return None
    if ansdict.has_key(startword): return ansdict[startword]
    # At this point, we know we have at least a zero-length addagram starting
    # at this word, because the word is in sigdict.
    best = ''
    for letter in string.lowercase:
        addagram = longest_addagram(startword + letter)
        if addagram is not None and len(addagram) >= len(best):
                best = letter + addagram
    ansdict[startword] = best
    return best

def display_addagram(start, addagram):
    """Display an add-a-gram in the format given on the web page."""
    s = sig(start)
    for char in addagram:
        print "%s + %s =" % (sigdict[s], char)
        s = sig(s + char)
    print string.upper(sigdict[s])
    print "(length %d)" % len(s)

def main(dictfilename):
    startwords = []
    words = open(dictfilename)
    # test data:
    #for word in ['ail', 'sail', 'nails', 'aliens', 'salient', 'entrails',
    #             'clarinets', 'interlaces', 'credentials']:
    for word in words.xreadlines():
        if word[-1:] == "\n": word = word[:-1]
        sigdict[sig(string.lower(word))] = word
        if len(word) == 3:
    # for testing:
    # display_addagram('ail', 'snetrced')
    bestword = bestaddagram = None
    ii = 0
    for word in startwords:
        addagram = longest_addagram(word)
        if (addagram is not None and (bestword is None or
                                      len(addagram) > len(bestaddagram))):
            bestword, bestaddagram = word, addagram
        # for testing:
        # display_addagram(word, addagram)
        ii = ii + 1
        sys.stdout.write("\r%d / %d (%d)" % (ii, len(startwords),
    # for testing:
    # x = longest_addagram('ali')
    display_addagram(bestword, bestaddagram)

if __name__ == '__main__': main(sys.argv[1])

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