Unfortunately this is mostly on the web, since it includes lots of
photos.  Here's the basic text:

I took apart some electronics with a retail price (here in Ecuador) of
under US$10, in quantity 1, on the theory that things of this price are
affordable to nearly the entire population of Ecuador, and most other
developing countries. I took some photos and some notes.

Here's a table briefly summarizing what I found. Most of the numbers are
pretty approximate.

[table omitted]
The total cost of these eight devices was under US$45, a substantial sum
when living in Ecuador, but a small budget for a research project.


I've seen access to information and communication technology change
lives and societies during my lifetime, dramatically for the better. I
think it's so important that no person or group should be able to
restrict other people's ability to communicate or program --- that
these are fundamental human rights.

However, today, most of the world's people have not seen or experienced
what I'm talking about, and can't effectively access these rights, even
when there's no legal prohibition in their way. One reason for this is
that they can't afford to own computers of their own, and for both
technological and economic reasons, they don't have much freedom to
program computers belonging to other people (e.g. in internet access

Most of the computers in the world today are designed by and for
first-world people: PCs, laptops, cellphones, etc., are designed by
people in Shanghai, Finland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Seoul, the US, Germany,
etc., and are primarily designed for the constraints and budgets of
Japanese, US, and European markets.

I suspect that if you designed a personal computer with the world
population in mind, you'd come up with something different. There have
been approaches along these lines already (Jhai, Simputer, OLPC) but
most of them have failed, due to a wide variety of reasons.

I spent a bunch of time reading price lists from electronics
distributors, pondering the following question: is it possible to build
a useful computer with a development toolchain, for a price most of the
world can afford (under US$20, ideally under US$10), small enough to
carry around, that can run off cheap batteries, powerful enough not only
for a self-hosted software development environment, but also for reading
and writing email, including a short-range wireless communication link
for networking? I concluded that it was, with no new silicon.

But I don't have much experience designing and building electronics, so
I thought I should get a reality check from real retail market prices in
a third-world country: what has already been built? Presumably any
hidden costs of NRE, assembly, shipping, retail shrinkage, etc., will
show up in the retail price --- although there's a risk that I'll get
fooled by loss-leaders.


Perhaps it shouldn't surprise me, but it does: every single one of these
devices was made in China, with the possible exception of the Sung Wei
radio, which didn't say. The small watch said on the back, "Japan
Quality. Made in China." I would have thought that at least some of the
bottom end of the electronics market would be supplied from Indonesia,
South Korea (the Sung Wei radio does have a Samsung chip in it),
Thailand, Malaysia, or some place in South America (since I'm in South
America), but apparently not. Both of the calculators are close copies
of Casio models that cost two or three times as much.

I was also surprised that every single one of these devices was built,
apparently, for the US market. The labels and manuals are in English,
and some bear FCC approval notices. I don't know where to look for
electronics this cheap in the US, but they were easy to find here in
Ecuador. It seems like there ought to be a substantial market in
Spanish-speaking countries with similar levels of material prosperity;
but of all of these devices, only the nice calculator had any labels in
Spanish, although some others had some labeling in French or German, and
several had the CE seal.

I suspect that's why so many of them are children's toys or otherwise
limited devices: not that it's impossible to build a more powerful
machine for this price point, but that because more powerful computers
are less interchangeable, the first-world customers of such more
powerful devices aren't as price-sensitive as first-world buyers of
children's toys, portable radios, pocket calculators.

Most of them are robustly constructed, and some are unbelievably robust.
It does seem that robust construction costs extra, though.

Only one of these devices approaches the kind of computational power I
think a personal computing device needs, and that I can bring to market
--- the nice calculator.


Many thanks to my wife, Beatrice Murch, for her aesthetic feedback, for
the use of her computer and digital camera for this project, for her
technical assistance, and for her patience.

Thanks to the Universidad T??cnica Particular de Loja for providing me
free access to the internet while I was describing this work.

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