I recently posted an item "cellphones and barcodes, and computers for
everyone" to kragen-fw, containing the following paper:

"Designing an Architecture for Delivering Mobile Information Services
to the Rural Developing World", by Tapan S. Parikh and Edward
D. Lazowska,

Probably they will give up on the "cache" idea eventually and give the
cellphone owner control over which applications are installed on the
phone and which are not.

This project inspired me to several thoughts:
- most of what they're using barcodes for could be done just as easily
  by typing four-digit codes on the phone keyboard.  

- the Anoto Fly Pen is also a camera-based data entry device, and
  things like it may have some benefits in directness.

- It might be feasible to put actual applications into a barcode rather
  than just field identifiers.  PDF-417 barcodes can hold several
  kilobytes of data --- I think up to 6 or so.  Here are the bzip2ed
  sizes of some things in my devel directory:
  6352 bytes    the stack-based graphing vector calculator (DHTML & MochiKit)
  8890 bytes    the mailreader I'm using (Python & curses)
  19264 bytes   the full-text email search engine I posted to 
                kragen-hacks a month or two ago (Python)
  4699 bytes    the SK-combinator graph-reduction evaluator I posted 
                recently (DHTML & MochiKit)
  1733 bytes    the thing that synchronizes my mailbox onto delicious (Perl)
  616 bytes     the thing that backed up and restored my old cellphone (Perl)
  7326 bytes    the bug-tracking system from WowBar (Twisted Python & DHTML)
  7063 bytes    the thing I posted recently that efficiently synchronizes my
                mailbox (Python & CGI)
  688 bytes     the thing that reformats my text tables for me (Perl)
  1195 bytes    the zooming text-file pager I posted to kragen-hacks some 
                years ago (Python & Qt)
  2397 bytes    the filesystem expanding/collapsing outliner for file 
                selection that I posted to kragen-hacks some time ago 
                (Python & curses)
  1046 bytes    the GTK oscilloscope program I posted some years ago, 
                without its voluminous comments (C & GTK)
  4745 bytes    the older full-text email search engine that only searches 
                in one file (Python)
  3541 bytes    the Condorcet election simulator I posted a while ago (DHTML)
  3000 bytes    the queryable triple-store I posted a while ago (DHTML)
  1164 bytes    Dave Long's incredible data: URL quine (DHTML)
  2422 bytes    the approval-voting event calendar (Python & Nevow & CGI)
  So it's probably possible to put fairly interesting functionality
  into a PDF-417 barcode, given a sufficiently rich execution
  environment for it to draw on.
  However, multimedia applications might be harder.  In 1999, I wrote,
  "LPC-5 compresses [voice] to 2400 bps, or 300 bytes per second
  [leaving it comprehensible, but not recognizable]."  I'm not sure I
  got the name of the codec right --- anyway, it was one of the codecs
  from Speak Freely.  At this rate, 6 kilobytes is about 20 seconds.
  A good-quality small JPEG is about two-thirds of a byte per pixel,
  so 6KB is about 80x100.

- There was an augmented-reality project a while back called, I think,
  "Neko" in which 2-D barcodes were captured in real time from a video
  camera, and their three-dimensional position and orientation were
  used to position and orient a 3-D rendered model overlaid on the
  video image.  The effect was that there were virtual
  three-dimensional objects standing on top of the barcode. (All I can
  find is the video: neko.mpg, 3149020 bytes, md5sum

  Similarly, for data-entry applications, you could use barcodes to
  tell the cellphone which parts of the paper had which meanings,
  removing the need for manual re-entry of the data.  This is pretty
  similar to Scantron forms and "fill in the bubble" test sheets, but
  without the specialized hardware.

- I think modern inkjet print heads can print at 2100 dpi, and I think
  they move across an A-size sheet of paper something like 20 times a
  minute, which is at least 6000 pixels per second per nozzle.
  Suppose you put just one of those nozzles (out of the hundreds or
  thousands in a printer head) into an optical mouse; this allows you
  to store data onto the paper in dots and dashes at, ideally, 6000
  pixels per second.  As long as you keep moving the mouse in a smooth
  line, it keeps writing data as densely as cheap paper can take it.

  The same optical mouse can read the data back again by gliding over
  it, or you can use several frames from a bigger camera, or a
  full-sheet scanner.

  There are several possible failure modes that can be worked around
  in software:
  - part of the line gets lost (goes off the paper, is too jaggy to
    trace, gets smudged by the mouse bushings): apply ECC to the data,
    and then permute it so that each ECC codeword consists of many
    widely separated bits.  CDs work this way.
  - the line is scanned out of sequence: divide into "packets" or
    "sectors" and embed the sector numbers frequently in the data.
  - bit errors: ECC.

  If you use either several nozzles or several cameras, you can see
  the line as it's being written and adjust the bit rate according to
  the paper's capacity.

  Such a device could also produce recognizable 2-D images in a
  "rubbing" sort of way, as I had suggested earlier in the
  "illuminated pen" kragen-tol post.

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