I was reading [Doron Zeilberger's Opinion
65](http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~zeilberg/Opinion65.html) about the
Gelfand Principle, which he ascribes to Israel Gelfand.  I'll restate
what he says here.

He says it is better to begin by explaining that 1+2 = 2+1, and then
go on to explain that this is true for all pairs a+b = b+a and that
this is called the commutative property of addition, than to begin by
giving the name, explaining that it means that always a+b = b+a, and
then by giving an example.  And he points out that 1+2 = 2+1 is the
best example to use, because there's nothing particularly special
about it.  0+1 = 1+0 is true, but in general 0+x = x+0 = x, and so
someone might think that this commutative property is a special
feature of 0.  (In linear algebra, the identity matrix works this way:
for all conformable M and identity matrices I, IM = MI, even though
matrix multiplication is not commutative in general.)  And 1+1 = 1+1,
but that's because of the reflexive property of equality, not the
commutative property of addition.  So 1+2 = 2+1 is the simplest
nontrivial example.  It's a better example than, say, 
424 + 501 = 501 + 424, because it's easier to prove: 1+2 is 1+(1+1),
and 2+1 is (1+1)+1, and addition is associative, so those are the same.

In general, he argues, "Whenever you state a new concept, definition,
or theorem, (and better still, right before you do) [you should] give
the *simplest* possible non-trivial example."  He also says:

> The Gelfand Principle should also be used in research articles. It
> is much easier to follow a new definition or theorem after a simple
> example is first given. Even proofs would be easier to follow if
> they are first spelled out concretely for a special case.

I agree.  In fact, I've often groused to myself about mathematical
papers being written in the opposite style.  (I've spent some time
lately reading John Backus's "Can Programming Be Liberated from the
von Neumann Style?", which is not technically a math paper but
contains theorems anyway, and it would be considerably improved by an
application of this principle.)  I've wondered whether other people
--- certain mathematicians maybe --- actually find it easier to
understand things in what seems to me like a backwards order: theorem
first, then example.

(Amusingly, Zeilberger states the principle before he gives the above
example of it, thus violating the principle he is trying to promote;
however, he follows it in part, in that the commutative principle is
probably the simplest possible nontrivial example of stating a

Apparently, however, other people also feel that the Gelfand approach
is the correct one.  In response to Zeilberger's article, Tim Gowers

> I've just looked at your opinions page for the first time for a
> while, and read your article on two pedagogical principles. I was
> particularly interested in the first [the Gelfand Principle],
> because as a result of editing the Princeton Companion I have become
> incredibly conscious of it myself -- I'm tempted to say that I
> discovered it independently. Of course, it doesn't bother me that
> Gelfand got there first -- it is SO clearly correct that it would be
> a miracle if I had not been anticipated. Instead, we have the
> depressing miracle that something so obvious should be practised by
> such a small percentage of mathematicians. I feel quite evangelistic
> about this, and have already started a one-man (except that now I
> see that you are an ally) campaign to publicize the principle.  For
> example, a few weeks ago I was asked to give a talk about the
> Princeton Companion, and EXAMPLES FIRST was one of the main themes
> (which I illustrated by an example first: I gave a ridiculous and
> unmemorable definition of a "C-space" which was in fact a
> mathematical model of a car, and as soon as the word "car" was
> uttered, the definition was magically easier to remember).
> I had always been aware, of course, of the value of giving the
> simplest non-trivial example. The thing that has really struck me is
> the value of giving it FIRST. I think it is very important to stress
> that this is an independently important part of the Gelfand
> principle (or else, if you were not including it, a separate and
> equally important principle).
> Here is my "proof" that it is better to start with concrete examples
> and proceed to abstract definitions than it is to begin with the
> abstract definitions. If you give the example first, then it is easy
> for the reader to understand, so not much effort is needed to
> remember anything. Then, when you are presented with the abstract
> definition, you have a mental picture of an example, so the various
> components of the abstract definition become labels that you attach
> to this picture. If, on the other hand, you give the abstract
> definition first, then the components are meaningless, so you have
> no choice but to memorize them as if you were learning Chinese
> vocabulary or something.  Then when you see the example, you have to
> go back and see how this meaningless stuff does in fact mean
> something. But that effort of memorization should have been
> unnecessary!

Dijkstra, unsurprisingly, disagrees (in EWD757-3):

> There exists a school (I wouldn't call it a "school of thought")
> that believes in "teaching by example" and in "discovery by
> example".  I don't.  I concluded EWD376, which describes in detail
> the actual steps in which I had solved a problem from graph theory,
> with:
> > "Finally we draw attention to the fact that we did not draw a
> > single example to explain what we were talking about or (even
> > worse!) to discover what the program should do.  And this, of
> > course, is as it should be."

So what's the analogue in computer programming?  You could argue that
it's test-first programming, where you write the unit test before you
write the code, and hopefully people will read it in the same
sequence.  The unit test is usually a better unit test if it's exactly
this simplest non-trivial case.  (Maybe it's better if there's an
additional test that doesn't try to be simple, just in case you were
mistaken about how trivial the case was.)

But in the mathematical case, you don't just write down the premises
of the example, write down the conclusion, baldly assert that some
theorem exists to connect the two, and then proceed to explaining what
that theorem is and proving it in the general case.  Instead, you
demonstrate that the conclusion is true of that particular example,
and then state the theorem and proof for the general case.  This is
much more similar to walking through the program as it executes the
test case in a debugger and looking at all the intermediate values.
There was a thread on LtU about "[Ivory Towers and Gelfand's
Principle](http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/924)", on motivating
language features with examples:

> If an example has a solution that is nearly as good without a given
> language feature, then that example is not a good motivation for
> that feature. Perhaps not following this principle is partly what
> earned FP it's ivory tower reputation.

There was also [a thread about this on

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