kragen-tol is a mailing list rather than a blog for a couple of reasons.

The first was that, when I [set up the list and made my first post][0],
(about prisons, crime, policing, democracy, and humanity), it was
November 12th, 1998.  Some people had blogs; I read some blogs; but it
wasn't yet the default means of publication that it has become now.
There's a blog version of the list at <>,
but because it's not primary, I haven't made the formatting on it work

The second was that I want my list mail to serve as prior art to stop
obvious patents from being granted, or to revoke them or the obvious
claims in them in court. (Re-examination didn't exist yet, if I recall
correctly.) Some examples: I posted [a simple system architecture for
MMORPGs] [1], [an article about networked automated fabrication] [4],
and [some thoughts on interactive kinematic modeling] [2] that month.
Later that year, I wrote about [uses for ubiquitous computing] [3],
[ballistic transport in evacuated tunnels] [5], [a technique for
transparent CPU virtualization] [6], [fault-tolerant distributed
computation on untrusted CPUs] [7], [a technique for time-travel
debugging] [8] (which Michael Elizabeth Chastain implemented around the
same time as mec-replay), and [a lightweight device for stopping
bullets] [9].

In order for this to work, though, there needs to be a record of these
things having been published at a particular time; things published
after a patent application has been filed are not "prior art" and do not
invalidate patent claims.

My thought was that publishing these things on a mailing list, rather
than merely on the web, would create a number of distributed copies in
different subscribers' mailboxes, each timestamped with the time that it
had originally been received. This way, there would be more than just my
word to go on. A number of people with different interests would have
records of the publication.

There are some big disadvantages to publishing in mailing-list form.
It's not very observable (what mailing lists are your friends on?), so
it doesn't spread very fast; the formatting sucks unless you send HTML
email; reading the archives is a pain; and I have to waste my time
trying to get my domain un-categorized as a spam source in order for
people to get the mail.


A better solution?

I wonder if there's a better solution today. For example, if I put all
this stuff into a Git repository, then I could add new articles, other
people could add new articles too, I could edit existing articles
without losing the records of the old versions, and everybody who edited
it would have a copy that was protected from external corruption.

Unfortunately I don't think there's a good way to prove when somebody
first received a particular thing using Git. Git commits are authored
and dated, but there is no authentication of the author or the date. Git
supports cryptographically-signed tags, but it doesn't create them in
its normal workflow, so typically only a few people make them; they're
used for things like major software releases.

So the threat model is something like this.

It's 2025. FooCorp is suing BarCorp for patent infringement; tens of
millions of dollars are at stake. BarCorp wants to show that the
supposedly infringed patent claims are invalid because they were
published openly in 2012 on my git-based equivalent to Halfbakery, four
years before the patent was filed in 2016.

BarCorp presents the publication of this technique as evidence, along
with the Git commit in which they were created and the commits since
then, by a variety of authors, and shows that the same commit history is
found in several different contributors' replicas; they explain how
Git's content-based blob store prevents tampering with the history of
any commit.

FooCorp has branched from a very old commit, set their computer clock
back to 2010, added an article with that 2010 date describing a
well-known celebrity scandal of 2023, and then constructed a similar,
but fake, commit history with a variety of imaginary authors, over the
next fifteen years. (As it happens, `git rebase` can be used to do this
fairly easily, but if it didn't exist it would be easy to write it

Sometime in 2025, during this court case, they managed to get some
legitimate contributor somewhere to merge their branch in, and that
contributor's branch got merged into the cloud of the popular versions
of the repository.  So in the very same commit history that BarCorp
presented to the court, the FooCorp lawyer locates this obviously recent
article supposedly from 2010, dated to 2010 using the same techniques
that BarCorp was using to prove that the publication of the patented
technique happened in 2012 and not 2022.

Consequently, the court ignores BarCorp's evidence and finds in favor of

Any ideas? Is there some feature of Git or the court system I'm not
familiar with that makes this scenario implausible? Or provides a way to
prevent it?

By contrast, the Received: line on people's email would probably stand
up, if you could find half a dozen people whose mail was stored in
different places.
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