Some thoughts that occurred to me on the bus home about using
bit-twiddling tricks to speed up lattice operations.  The original
genesis of the idea was the old idea that it's a shame that Unix
doesn't have "sub-users" that have the same relationship to users that
the users have to `root`, whose name is suggestive of the idea of a
hierarchy of users, something that was never added to Unix.  To
implement such a thing, you'd ideally want to substitute a "user is
equal to or has power over" check for the usual "user is equal to or
is superuser" check, and you'd like it to be efficient enough that it
doesn't slow down the operations it needs to guard.

As it happens, the uid of `root`, 0, has a special bitwise
relationship to other user IDs: it is, in some sense, the AND of all
the other possible user IDs.  The AND of any uid with `root`'s uid
will equal `root`'s uid.  It's as if each 1 bit in your uid
represented some restriction, and `root` is the uid with no
restrictions.  (And `nobody`, traditionally uid -1, is the uid with
all possible restrictions, which is nicely symmetrical.  Although in
this case this would mean `nobody` was subject to the whims of any
user at all, which might not actually be what you want, but whatever.)

So you'd substitute the check `(actor_uid & actee_uid) == actor_uid`
for the check `!actor_uid || actor_uid == actee_uid`, which would be
exactly as efficient; but you'd have to have some kind of magical way
to assign uids to regular users so that you didn't accidentally end up
with one regular user being superuser over another one, or over some
sub-user of another one.

Is there such a magical way to assign uids?  That's what this essay
explores.  I haven't found a universal solution, but I've found some
solutions for some interesting cases.

This probably isn't actually practical for Unix kernel security
policy, but it has other possible applications; for example, in
databases, often the last step of query evaluation is to sift through
a potentially large number of candidate records produced in some
inconvenient order by index-traversal operations, filtering out the
small number of records that actually match the query.  In particular,
in OLAP applications, there is often no index that can reduce the
number of records adequately.

This technique is not related to bitmap indexing or compressed bitmap

Lattices and powersets

Any arbitrary finite lattice L is a sublattice of the powerset of some
finite set S, with intersection and union of the powerset lattice
being almost the meet and join operations (or vice versa, but I'll be
using almost-intersection for meet and almost-union for join).  The
constructive proof is something like this: optionally, take the
transitive reduction of L, removing the redundant edges; then take the
remaining edges to be S.  Represent each element E as the set of edges
through which E is reachable from the minimum, that is, the union of
all paths from the minimum to E.

Clearly S might need to be about the size of L --- consider the
worst-case scenario where your lattice is a totally ordered set.
You'll need one new element of S for each element of L other than its

Are there cases where S needs to be larger than L?  I'm not sure.

This construction is clearly not optimal, in the sense of finding a
smallest possible S for any L; if you have, for example, a min, a max,
and 6 incomparable items in between, you can represent represent these
6 items as {0, 2}, {0, 3}, {0, 4}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, and {1, 4}, needing
only 5 items in S rather than 6.  In cases like this, the construction
above gives O(N) elements, while O(log N) elements is possible, as
I'll explain below.

I said "almost union" and "almost intersection".  The meet and join
operations are not quite intersection and union, because the
intersection and union operations may produce a powerset element that
doesn't correspond to an element of L; in this example, intersecting
{0, 2} and {0, 3} gives you {0}, not {} as it should.  I assert
without even the handwaviest sketch of a proof that you can find a
unique largest subset or smallest superset in any such case, or at
least that you can choose your representation such that this is true,
but I don't really care that much because mostly I'm interested in the
poset operations rather than the lattice operations.

Bitstrings and powersets

The bitstrings of length N represent the powerset of a set of N items,
with a 1 bit at position i representing that item i is present, 0
representing the empty set, bitwise complement representing set
complement, bitwise AND representing intersection, and bitwise OR
representing union.

The great advantage of bitstrings on computers is that you get a lot
of parallelism for free; since bit-serial computers went out of style
in the late 1950s (excepting the Clock of the Long Now) and until we
move to FPGAs with arbitrary bit-length operands, normal computing
hardware can take the AND, OR, or NOT of an entire word of bits as
quickly as a single bit; depending on the hardware, this gives 8, 16,
32, 64, 128, or even 256-way parallelism, on top of whatever you get
out of multicore, which has been exploited to good effect in bitwise
DES key cracking programs, among others.  (And constant-time AES-CTR

But you still have the problem of encoding your desired lattice into
bitstrings that encode the desired properties.

One-hot encoding

The simplest kind of lattice is one where all the elements, except the
min and max, are incomparable; that is, the meet or join of any two
elements that are not the min or max is the min or max.  You can
encode this as in the naïve version above: assign each of those
elements a unique bit position that gets 1.  For example, you can
represent five such incomparable elements as 00001, 00010, 00100,
01000, and 10000.  Electronics people call this "one-hot" encoding.

Note that this follows the usual lexical ordering of bits.

This is okay as far as it goes, but it's wasteful of space once you
get past five elements, because it takes linearly as many bits as you
have elements.  But for a logarithmic encoding, you can use the
Cartesian product.

Cartesian product encoding

If you have a a bunch of such incomparable elements, then instead of
using a single one-hot bitstring for all of them, you can chop the
bitstring up into chunks, two to four bits per chunk, and use one-hot
encoding independently in each chunk.  With six bits, say, you have
two three-bit chunks, or fields, each of which can one-hot encode
three possibilities, so you have nine possibilities in all:

    001001 001010 001100
    010001 010010 010100
    100001 100010 100100

instead of the six you'd get with straight one-hot encoding, or the
eight you'd get with three two-bit fields, or one four-bit field and
one two-bit field.  It turns out that three bits per field is optimal
in this sense, because log 3 / 3 > log 2 / 2, a little.  This way you
can get 2 * 3^10 = 118 098 unrelated elements, plus max and min, out
of a 32-bit word, rather than 32.  118098 is bigger than 32.

In the limit as the number of bits gets big, this gives you
log 3 / 3 bits-or-nats per bit, or 0.53 bits per bit; that is, 47% of
the space is a tax imposed by the requirements of the representation.
We'll see later that there's a more efficient alternative.

Cartesian hierarchies

But that's not all!  If you fill one of those fields with all 0s or
all 1s, you get an extra min or max element for just that one field.
In particular, if you wanted to give Unix users the ability to create
subusers, you could assign, say, the first 18 bits to the normal
userid, while leaving the other 14 bits set to zero.  This would give
you 3^6 = 729 independent users, each of whom could create 2 * 3^4 =
162 sub-users.

In general, by setting all but the first N fields to all-zeroes, you
get a sort of "Nth-level `root` user", who has authority over all the
users whose uids start with its non-zero fields.  In an OLAP context,
this could correspond to the first N levels of a hierarchical
dimension: for a datetime field, for example, perhaps the first 4 bits
indicate a year, the next 4 a month, the next 10 a date within the
month, the next 7 an hour, the next 12 a minute, and the next 12 a
second, 49 bits in all.

Orthogonal dimensions

As the datetime example suggests, though, once you have separate
fields, it makes sense to query on any subset of them: perhaps you're
more interested in what happens at 8 AM each day, rather than 8 AM on
a particular day.  So the Cartesian-product approach gives you not
just hierarchy but orthogonality.

Groups, in the Unix security context

In some cases, you could replace the notion of a "group" with a user
that is subordinate to *multiple* users, so that any of those users
can write to its files (a common use of groups), but it can't affect
any of those users.  But making that work may require knowing about it
ahead of time when you're assigning uids; unless you assign one bit
position to each distinct user (quite doable these days, now that we
usually have less than 64 people using a single computer) you wouldn't
be able to construct groups containing arbitrary sets of people
without changing their uids.

In particular, you could reasonably partition the uid space into one
or more cross-cutting hierarchies of grouping, and each group (or
intersection of groups) would have its own "administrator" with a
bunch of zero bits, as well as its own "group" with the corresponding
1 bits.

Gray code

Consider, instead, the case of searching for other users of a
smartphone app in geographical proximity to you.  If you tile the
geographical area in question with imaginary tiles, you mostly want to
find people in the same tile as you; but if you're close to a tile
boundary, you may also want to find people in up to three neighboring
tiles.  It would be nice to be able to do this query efficiently.

If you represent the tile coordinates in Gray code, then as you move
along either axis, at most one bit changes as you cross a tile
boundary.  And you can calculate which one it is.  If you simply take
the AND of the coordinates of the up-to-four tiles in your
neighborhood, you obtain a set of bits that you can then compare to
others' candidate coordinates.

You can do Gray code in [arbitrary bases, such as base 3][0].

[0]: "Creating N-ary Gray codes, by Virgil Griffith, 

A similar approach can be used to query for temporal proximity.

Binomial identifier assignment

As I mentioned earlier, assigning unrelated identifiers in 32 bits
using cartesian product of one-hot fields only gets you 118098
unrelated identifiers.  But you can get 16c32 = 601 080 390 unrelated
identifiers by taking all the 32-bit values that have 16 1 bits and
16 0 bits: a binomial coefficient.  If you use this approach to assign
unrelated uids, you can use 12 bits to get 924 unrelated uids, rather
than needing 18 bits to get 729 of them.

The binomial approach thus has a dramatically lower tax than the
one-hot and Cartesian approaches (it costs you 36% of your effective
bits at 4 bits, 23% at 8, 18% at 12, 15% at 16, 11% at 24, 9% at 32,
6.5% at 48, and 5.3% at 64), but at the cost of eliminating
orthogonality and hierarchy.  It seems like the tax may asymptote to
zero with large numbers of bits, but I'm not sure.  It definitely gets
below 0.3% at 1928 bits, but that's already big enough to be sort of

It's already more efficient at 4 bits; you can represent 6
incomparable elements in 4 bits as 0011, 0101, 0110, 1001, 1010, and
1100, rather than the 5 needed for a Cartesian product of one-hot

All-or-nothing edge families

The efficient encoding schemes mentioned above take advantage of a
particular property of families of edges in the transitive-reduced
lattice to encode them more efficiently: that for any element of the
lattice, within some subset of the edges, either none, exactly one, or
all of the edges are on a path between that element and the infimum.
That is, those edges are mutually exclusive --- within a certain
sublattice, except for its supremum; and each is paired with another
edge whose representation would be redundant.  This is what allows us
to safely use such schemes.

This suggests an approach for finding more efficient representations
of arbitrary lattices: begin with the basic construction, then look
for families of edges with this property.  Will it work?  Is it
optimal?  I don't know.


In database-query cases, it may be adequate to reject *most* of the
candidate records from the index operations, rather than *all* of
them.  In this case, you may be able to hash a larger identifier space
into a smaller one, which you then represent with approaches such as
the one-hot, cartesian-product, and binomial approaches mentioned

There's a curious relationship here between binomial assignment, bloom
filters, and approximate homomorphic processing, that I haven't fully
explored.  For example, if many-bit binomial names are uncorrelated,
the AND or OR of two or three of these names is likely to have several
bits still, respectively, set or cleared; and so you should be able to
use that combined value as a first-pass to sift for candidate matches.
The expected number of candidate matches is probably dominated by the
improbable case that the names cancel badly, in which case you get an
exponential number of false positives.

Query criticism

You could argue that this technique is not appropriate for query
processing because it inflates the size of your index data: simple
bitfields give you 1 bit per bit, while this gives you 0.53 bits (with
Cartesian product of one-hot encodings) or between 0.64 and 0.95 bits
per bit (with binomial assignment), all in order to allow any item to
potentially represent, in effect, a simultaneous bitmask and value: a
combination of a selection of a set of fields, with required values for
those fields.

But in the context of querying a database, the records, and especially
the records' index entries, do not need to waste space (whether it's
47% of your space, 36%, or only 5%) on something that is only useful
in a query term.  It would make more sense, instead of testing
`(a & b) == a`, to test `(am & b) == ar`, with a separate bitmask and
expected result.

This approach makes more sense in applications where the objects
you're comparing really are the same kind of object, like when you
have two Unix processes one of which wants to `ptrace` the other.


Content-addressable memories, which are mostly used in routers'
routing tables and virtual memory translation lookaside buffers,
include the `(a & b) == c` query operation as its fundamental
operation, returning all the `b` that satisfy it.


Could this be useful for implementing NTRU?  I have no idea because I
don't know how NTRU works.


Thanks to Darius Bacon for illuminating discussions on this essay!
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