From: " joe kr2s builder" < joe .kr2s.builder@ juno .com> 
To: krnet @list. krnet .org 
Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2013 6:09:07 PM 
Subject: KR> certificates 

>Hi Guys,I received my new aircraft registration certificate the other day and 
>promtly put in the plane. This got me thinking that we are now at the end of 
>the cycle to re- register all aircraft in the country. This fact along with a 
>recent AOPA email handout type of document titled "What to do if stopped by 
>law enforcement" Got me to wondering if ramp checks are about to be increased 
>dramaticly to ensure compliance. Maybe I have become part of the untrusting 
>public but better safe than sorry. Make sure your documents are up to date and 
>in the plane or your posession . As I understand it they are Pilot cert., 
>photo I.D., Medical cert., aircraft registration, log book presented upon 
>written request.Doom sayer ,Joe HortonCoopersburg , Pa.< 

Required to be visible in the plane: Airworthiness Certificate , Registration 
Certificate, (plus state R/C if one exists in your state) Weight & Balance & 
Equipment List (keep the logbooks at home). On you, ID, Pilot Cert., Medical, 
or Drivers License (if operating as a Sport Pilot), and if it's a Flying Club 
A/C, it would be a good idea to have some sort of Club ID. (Pres., Flight Ops. 
Officer, default A&P (we have an official one, but he still works for a living 
+ finishing up a Kitfox with a Rotec ) chief cook & bottle washer of the Oxford 
AirKnockers F/C with a 7AC Champ.) 

Allen G. Wiesner KR-2SS #1117 TD/ CorvAir 
65 Franklin Street 
Ansonia , CT 06401-1240 

allenw65 at 

  • KR> certificates joe.kr2s.builder at
    • KR> certificates Allen G. Wiesner

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