guentheraviator at yahoo.com
Brad sorry to hear of your a/c I'm glad to hear the TP has recovered! I saw 
your pictures and the TOUGH TANK picture, Does that tank have a vented fuel cap 
what was the tank made material? I had an intergral composite epoxy tank I 
replaced with a 16 gallon polyethelyene fuel cell from race cars supplier. To 
note: about fuel cell material I was under the impression that it to is 
compatible with fuel however I have to disagree
My tank was built and the structure to support it and after having a few 
gallons in it drained it and didn't mess with it for several months. I 
attempted to extract the tank but it swelled in the support structure. I 
finally got it out and the tank retangular dimension that was 23 " was now 
23.25" so after contacting the technical staff "they said a 3% expansion could 
happen" mine was 6% expansion. So I enlarged my support structure and the tank 
fits? correctly now. If the tank continues to swell I'm going to aluminum. My 
KR header tank can work with gravity only however I am still going to use the 
engine driven fuel pump for continuous use. The aircraft we fly can pitchup in 
a climb up to 30 degrees so the fuel level of the tank sump has to be above the 
carb inlet and the fuel pump delivers 4-6 psi . I have read stories about 
Lycoming fuel pump problems and with the fuels and vapor pressures we 
experience I know that fuel starvation is all so much
 critical and complete study of each fuel system design is crucial for safety 
of flight! 

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