Doran,   I'm going to say no. Mark L and I have a couple of the 2 closest built 
KR2s'  and we flew each others planes withinn the first year of their 
operations. 2 of the significant differences of our planes is that he clipped 
the wings and I extended them and he built the full volume tail feathers with 
airfoil shape and mine are stock to plans. Mark is welcome to verify or correct 
me but I just did not see or feel any real difference in the pitch of our 
respective planes. His clipped wings may have made some of the speed difference 
and the tail feathers are also probably more efficient. The wing incidence and 
the tail incidence are real players in the game though.Just my thoughtsJoe 

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From: Doran Jaffas kr2owner at

Do the wing extensions add significantly to the pitch sensitivity?
On Oct 8, 2013 12:04 PM, <krnet-request at> wrote:

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