Gentlemen and ladies, though I would consider myself not well versed in
fiberglass laminating I do consider myself as better than average in would
working and finishing using various types of glue in various kinds of wood
     Weather hand carving a propeller using two different kinds of wood for
looks as well as to ensure uniformity of the propeller itself or using one
kind of wood in the construction of an airframe, the basic principle of
gluing weather using resourcinol, t-88 or any other type of bonding agent
is to make sure the joints are as precise as possible and the wood is as
clean as possible end grain or sides grain included! Some epoxies  have a
filling it capability. Resorcinol does not! And is not widely used anymore
except my us old folks! It is not rocket science. Just clean the sides to
be glued thoroughly and get is uniform of pressure as possible on the glue
joints and let set for the required amount of time! It doesn't matter if
you are gluing a wing or a gusset the principles remain the same. Forgive
me for stating the obvious here I don't mean to sound arrogant!

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