Try this one;

-----Original Message-----
From: KRnet [mailto:krnet-bounces at] On Behalf Of Mark Langford
Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2014 1:42 PM
To: KRnet
Subject: KR> free/cheap web-based flight planning software?

It's been a while since I had to plan a flight to anywhere, but I'm thinking
about the flight out to Chino for the Gathering.  What's the consensus on a
good free (or at least cheap) online flight planning software?  The ones
that were available two years ago could use some improvement.  I don't have
an iPad so I'm really thinking PC web-based stuff.  I've let my FlightPrep
subscription expire, and it wasn't the most intuitive stuff I've ever seen.
Then I tried AOPA's, but it seems a little knows my range but
doesn't suggest waypoints.  Airnav's fuel finder will do that, but lacks
much of a map showing airspace and the kind of things you'd want to dodge,
as well as rubber banding around things.  My iFly 720 does that, but it's
pretty small, and I can't print it out for a reference.  You see what I'm
fishing for here. 

I'd consider something that's "not cheap", if it's reasonable and worth it.
Any suggestions?  I could spend the rest of the day searching and testing,
but I'm hoping y'all can save me the trouble, and let me finish hooking up
engine control cables (mixture and throttle) and connecting engine sensors
on the firewall side.  This thing may run two weekends from now!


Mark Langford
ML at
website at

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