Adam Tippin wrote:

>> I see that you have extended your H/S by 12" total. Was the extension 
>> done with spar or foam.  And for the horns,I see that the leading edges 
>> are the same, but how much  further than the H/S do they extend.<<

My horizontal stab  was done without foam extensions, all done with new 
spars.  I ordered new wood that was thicker to give them the cross section 
needed for the new airfoil, as well as the length.  It could have easily be 
done with foam extensions (especially if the plane had been built already), 
but building it all wood yielded a simple, straight, quickly built 
 There are no "horns" on the elevator.  What you see in is pretty much the assembly of the two, 
without the tips added.  I think the photos and narrative at  should tell the story of how it was built and 
the dimensions of it, and there's a template download link that shows spar 
dimensions.  Their length is 84" total.  My tips were made out of wood, just 
because it was easier to shape accurately and quickly, as opposed to foam, 
but if I were to do it today, I'd make them foam and glass.

I guess eventually I may extend the h/s on N891JF, but maybe not.  I'd like 
to get proficient at flying a "normal" KR2 so I can converse intelligently 
on the differences in the S and the 2.

Mark Langford
ML at
website at

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