N891JF flew again yesterday.  It felt like a "first flight", given that I'd 
removed, upgraded, or replaced just about everything in the plane, so the 
stress level was a bit high.  It was a fairly uneventful flight though, 2.4 
hours and 9 touch-and-goes just to get the feel of it (and the new speed brake) 
again.  I do very much like the speed brake.

I'm now working through a short list of minor squawks, and number one on the 
list was the deletion of the tailwheel cable springs and slack and making them 
"straight wired" like N56ML, which I've already dealt with.  A lot of data was 
gathered, the Explorer is being recalibrated based on that data, and it's now 
full of fuel and awaiting the next flight.  I'd have flown again today but it 
was a bit windy for that, and will be for the next several days.  Tomorrow 
night will likely be the reinstallation of wheel pants. 

I think this will do nicely...

Mark Langford
ML at N56ML.com
website at http://www.N56ML.com 

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