I am building mine the same way.  Angle brackets attach the wing to the 
fuselage and transfer the loads for and aft.  I also added plywood skins on the 
inside of the cockpit like Joe Horton did.  I like the look and the sides are 
much stiffer.
Roger Baalman
rbaalman at cox.net

---- Larry Storlie via KRnet <krnet at list.krnet.org> wrote: 
> I'm new but have been studying many of the sites shown on KRnet.org.  I' m
> confused by the one for a KR2s being built by Robert Pesak (close to the
> bottom of the list of those under construction).  The workmanship is
> fantastic but he is mounting the one piece wing by sawing two slots in the
> bottom of the boat and sliding the completed wing in from the bottom.
> Anyone care to comment?

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