Been there, done that - ran off side of the runway.
ACS BRAKE BLEEDER ASSEMBLY Part # 11225 $9.75 each plus shipping
Brakes are Rosenhaun.  They work quite well.

Sid Wood
Tri-gear KR-2 N6242
Mechanicsville, MD, USA
Joe Nunley wrote:

> I have been looking for wheels and brakes,  good timing Mark

I would get some Matco internal caliper brakes, or some similar Grove
Brakes.  Clevelands are double the price, and if you kill a caliper (for
example by ripping the bleeder out on the edge of the taxiway...don't
ask how I know) it'll cost several hundred dollars just to replace the
caliper.  You'll also want the smaller 11x4.00x5 Lamb or Cheng Shin
tires, rather than the 5.00x5's, which are unnecessarily large for a
KR...draggy and heavy, unless you plan to land on river sand bars, which
would be insane in a KR.

See some more info on brakes at, but I
wouldn't buy Clevelands again.  I now have Matcos for N891JF, and they
are functionally identical but far cheaper.  Not installed on it yet,
but working on it...

Mark Langford
ML at

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