At 02:02 PM 2/4/2015, you wrote:
>Tri-Pacers love to do this.  One minute they're sitting there and the
>next time you look it's upside down.  Damdest thing.

O.K., now you're calling my baby ugly. :-)  500 hours in the Tripacer 
I had, landing in cross winds 20G30 at 90 degrees to the runway and 
other very windy conditions, some at night, and my baby always 
maintained a three point stance.  Tripacers do have a tall and narrow 
gear but treated right  they treat you right also.  If Tripacers went 
flipping on the ground, the owner didn't handle them correctly or 
didn't love them enough to time them down.  They also had spring 
loaded up flaps and when parked tail in to the wind you had to lock 
them down with the flap handle or they would flop up and down with 
the wind.  Pilot, know your airplane.

Larry Flesner 

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