Dan Prichard wrote:

>>This would be a great add on to Steve Glover's foam / glass layup workshop
at last years gathering. 
What do you think Mark?  Plenty of time to brush up on your trailing edge

Sure, I can do a fiberglassing demo.   I'll bring the stuff required, and do
an hour to 1.5 hour demo (I always go longer than I think I will...can
always find a lot to talk about).   Maybe somebody can video it.

I did a little flight planning last night and it looks like flying out to
KMMV isn't nearly as daunting as I suspected.  It's almost a perfectly
straight shot from M38 with an inconsequential jog that will never get over
8000' or so, but will still come close to some tall stuff and pretty
scenery.  About 14 hours of flying at 145 MPH, burning about 55 gallons,
done in about 14 hours with four fuel stops.  Just a series of smaller
flights, done end-to-end.  I'm looking forward to the adventure.   I may
even add an extra fuel tank by then and do it in fewer stops.

I'm trying to get N891JF back in the air this weekend with new axles,
wheels, brakes, and tires.  Wheel pants will have to be redone but that's
easier than you might think (I'll document it)...

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
ML at N56ML.com

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