Another place to look is on YouTube. ?Just type in KR-2 amd KR-2S. There are a 
bunch of video's on there. ?There hasn't been many recent video's though.?

Paul Visk
Belleville Il.

<div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: Mike T via KRnet <krnet 
at> </div><div>Date:04/14/2015  12:20 AM  (GMT-06:00) 
</div><div>To: krnet at,Lawrence Ffrench <lrffrench at> </div><div>Subject: Re: KR> Searching for Kr2 Rudder pedals with toe 
brakes And a
  familiarization ride in a KR2 in Central Texas (or Dallas or Houston) 
</div>Would it be possible to rig up a video camera in a KR or other small plane
so the viewer would see everything the pilot was seeing -- the view outside
AND the control inputs?  This would make it easier for people who can't get
time in a plane. The pilot could also comment on what he was doing.
On Apr 14, 2015 12:19 AM, "Lawrence Ffrench via KRnet" <krnet at>


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