Hi Lee,

I've always thought that, perhaps, more KRs would get completed if the wings 
were built first.  It seems that a lot of people get hung up after building the 
fuselage because:

1) some are afraid of the fiberglassing part
2) some spend too much time sitting in the fuselage making airplane noises.

The problem with building wings first is that the wings are built on the 
fuselage (Per the plans).  The center spars are glued into the fuselage, then 
the outer spars are connected to the center spars, and then the foaming and 
glassing begins.

However, I did actually build my wings away from the fuselage.  I built a jig 
to clamp the center spars as if they were in the fuselage, and then built the 
(outer) wings.   Besides space saving, I was also able to put the wings into 4 
different positions very easily (Vertical Up, Vertical Down, Right Side Up, and 
Upside down.)  Those positions were very helpful during construction. I was 
actually able to build my seat and landing gear brackets (temporarily 
installed) in that jig also.  
I did have to build the wing stubs on the fuselage, however, because the wing 
stubs are part of the center spars, which are glued to the fuselage.  I posted 
info on how I did that in the KR newsletter back in the mid 90s.

Even though I never finished my project, I would do it the same way again if I 
were to build one again.  I really think it has a lot of big advantages.  

Unfortunately, mine has been in my hanger half done for 15 years with no 
action.  So, my credibility is much less than those that have completed a KR.

I made the mistake of building a different plane and have spent all of my spare 
time flying and maintaining it instead ever since.  (Kind of goes along with 
what others have said recently about flying while building.)

Best Regards,


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