Hello -

The time got away from me this week with taking our last son to college and
getting him all set up.  I wanted to thank everyone who helped me with
questions on Bob's plane and keeping his information up and available for
all.  I have sold Bob's plane.  A gentlemen from North Carolina bought the
whole project and all the extras that I had as well.  He came and picked it
up last Sunday.  So I am now planeless.

In going through all of Bob's information and stuff he had on the plane I
did run across several copies of his original KR2 plans that he got way
back in the early 80's when he originally bought the project from Rand
Robinson.  They are #7156 Book 65.  I don't know why he made several copies
but he did things like that with projects he did.  I know some of you are
having a hard time getting plans for this plane.  Please contact me on my
personal email of shortbus1017 at gmail.com and we will see if you would like
a set of these.  They are the original plans with no modifications made to
them.  I also have a couple of sets of KR2 Wing Skin Installation
Instructions from Dan Diehl.

I know the KR Gathering is coming up and Bob would have been there if he
was alive.  Please remember him again this year as you gather as he is
there in spirit with all of you.

Thanks again for all the help.
Happy Building and Flying,

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