KRNet Heads,
Mark & I must have been on the same page & both took most of the week off
after the Gathering. I just got home last night. It looks like there is a
lot of reading to catch up on... 

As to the Gathering web site, sorry for the delay on publishing pictures. I
didn't collect a ton of photos but what I have (including Kim & Roger
departing into the Sunday morning sunrise) are on the Gathering web page
referenced by the KRNet.Org web site; or you can jump directly to it via; 

If you want to see your images posted, please add to the collection. Email
your photos to me at (kr2s at and I'll get them posted as soon
as I can. 

Thanks to everyone for making the 2015 Gathering a success!

John Bouyea/ 2015 Gathering Co-Host
N5391M/ KR2
OR81/ Hillsboro, OR

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2015 6:46 PM
Cc: Mark Langford
Subject: Re: KR> Gathering photos
I took quite a few pictures...
Mark Langford

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