I concur with having the 2016 at MVN.  

I have started to work plans for possibly hosting one at Lees Summit MO (LXT) 
in 2017, but I would not be prepared for 2016. Our EAA chapter is on board, but 
I still need to work with the airport manager to make sure they support it. We 
have pretty good EAA chapter facilities - hangers, meeting room, kitchen 
facilities.. Camping on the airport may not be allowed which would detract from 
the event. I will be glad to help Larry run this one in 2016, it will prepare 
me for 2017. Understood that this all would require a vote at the end of the 
2016 one, hopefully others are thinking of hosting one as well. Competition is 
a good thing. 

Rob Schmitt
Kansas City, MO

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Langford via KRnet <krnet at list.krnet.org>
To: KRnet <krnet at list.krnet.org>
Cc: Mark Langford <ml at n56ml.com>
Sent: Thu, Sep 24, 2015 7:49 pm
Subject: KR> 2016 KR Gathering location...MVN?


At McMinnville it was agreed that it may not be fair to the
for so few people to vote on the location of the next Gathering, and

that a location (or more, perhaps) should be presented to the KRnet

community, since that's where the majority of the KR community exists. 
worth mentioning that given several opportunities, nobody 
volunteered to host
the 2016 Gathering, although Larry Flesner was 
prepared to volunteer Mt.
Vernon, IL at the McMinnville Gathering, until 
this Internet vote was decided
upon instead.

So to me, we could just say "the next Gathering will be at Mt.
period", and I suspect that would echo the sentiment of the majority.

But if anybody wants to volunteer to host it, we can add it to the mix 
put it to a vote (Survey Monkey comes to mind), or if nobody else 
forward by the end of the weekend, we'll call it MVN and move on.

Keep in
mind the responsibilities and expectations associated with 
hosting the
Gathering are not trivial.  See Larry's short list from 
several weeks ago,
Anyone considering
hosting a KR Gathering needs to consider the
following items. Some are
requirements and some just make for a better

- The desire to act as
host for up to 150 people from all points of the
country and possible
international visitors.
- Ability to plan and organize multiple functions for a
large group,
i.e. housing, meals, meetings, awards, banquet, merchandise sales,
- Complete co-operation and support of the local airport and the
- Facilities: airport with multiple runways would be nice, not
non towered airport preferred, hangar facilities for KR's a
ramp area large enough to handle KR's and visitors, terminal
restrooms and meeting rooms, restaurant on field a big plus, camping
a major plus.

Not every airport is "ideal" for a Gathering but
many airports are
adequate. Your desire to host can overcome other facility

None of this should discourage anyone from wanting to host a
if you have the desire and adequate facilities. The KR crowd can have
good time anywhere
as long as their basic needs are met.

Larry Flesner
year Mt.Vernon, Illinois Gathering
ML at N56ML.com

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