I can give you some figures on the transponder.  I paid $600 for mine in
2006 which included an ACK-30 encoder.  I just had to replace the ARC
transponder in a Cavalier.  It needed a sign-off and wouldn't pass the
test so had the shop replace it with a used KT-76A.  $1054 included
troubleshooting the ARC and replacing it with the King plus the 24 month
sign-off.  Lots of shop labor because it was an experimental and a
non-standard installation.  I could have bought a used KT-76A plus a tray
plus a wiring harness to connect it to the encoder and ship's power and
antenna and spent many hours doing it myself and would have ended up
spending about the same moneywise.  The shop was nice to me.  I think
it's worth between 6 and 8 hundred.  The radio I don't know anything

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