Pete Klapp wrote:

>The holes aren't misaligned, but there is about a 1/32+ bow in the aileron 
>spar that is causing the bind.

If shims are not an option, filing a little off of each offset part of
the hinge in several adjacent locations near the bow ought to fix it
pretty easily.  There's no such thing as taking "too much off" there, so
it should go pretty quickly.  

Another option that's even easier (but may or may not work, depending on
how much bow you have) is to put a smaller diameter pin through it.  I
had a bit of a binding problem with my aft deck retention hinges, so I
replaced the standard hinge pin with a piece of smaller diameter piano
hinge wire.  Given that this is an aileron with flutter potential,
that's probably not the best way to fix this...filing probably is.

Mark Langford, Harvest, AL
ML "at"

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