In the Experimental world, mufflers are typically left off since the are not 
required, and are both expensive, and heavy.  I run open headers on the O-200 
on my KR.  The prop typically makes as much or more noise than the exhaust.  I 
chose to put my $$ into noise cancelling headsets rather than a high $$ 
exhaust.  An A-65 turns slow enough that they are relatively quiet anyway.  No 
doubt you've heard a Champ (air knocker) fly over.  They got the Air Knocker 
moniker for their unique sound using a pair of open "Y" pipes for the exhaust.  
Cubs and Taylorcraft (all with A-65s) both had mufflers on them.  So it's 
really up to you as to whether you think a Champ is noisy enough that you would 
want to muffle it.

On my SuperCub Clone, I chose to use the exhaust from a Grumman Cheetah.  I 
happened to be at a Grumman salvage yard near San Antonio and asked what they 
would charge for a used exhaust.  The guy said they can't sell them, then 
handed me two of them that I was able to modify for use on the SuperCub.  I 
must say, I do like having a quiet exhaust with a really good heat exchanger 
for cabin heat.  I often times cruise the Cub at very low throttle settings, so 
with the engine turning slow and not making much power, it is not offensive to 
people on the ground when I fly over at low level.

I rarely fly low in the KR, and rarely fly it at low throttle settings, so I am 
usually high enough that the noise from the KR isn't offensive to ground 

-Jeff Scott

> Does anyone have a muffler on their engine?

I think those are relatively rare in the Experimental world (in the US,
at least). I once installed some "silencers" inside the 1.5" exhaust
pipes on the Corvair (think VW Beetle tailpipe), just before flying to
OSH one year. It made a noticeable difference, but not huge. When I
got back I discovered one of them had loose and had slid out an inch or
two, and the other one was gone entirely! Somewhere along the way
there's a silencer in a field.

The Corvair wouldn't get rave reviews on flybys with a muffler!

Mark Langford
ML at N56ML.com

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