> "DRD looks like they have a lot of interesting type 1 heads. 

That whole site is interesting . . . and the first time I've come across
it - even though it's just up the road from me.  Looks like VW heaven.   
Chromed bail-type valve covers!  My black ones work way too well for me
to replace them with something shiny but how nice to have a choice.  And
the prices!  These products "look" great - and DRD didn't just show up .
. . website says they've been around for 30 years.  

Isn't it amazing that the Type 1 continues to enjoy such support - for an
engine that hasn't been produced for at least 15 years.  Looking on
Wikipedia it appears the very last ones came off the production line in
Puebla, Mexico in 2003. 

They're the better part of a thousand bucks but those .049 Revmaster
heads that Jeff bought sure look good.  I wish something would go wrong
with my GP so I could start shopping.  


Deemed: One Household Item Everyone Should Have In Any Emergency

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