Colin wrote, 

> "I thought though that most people would understand that this was a
typo error, but unfortunately Mike KSEE did not realise it was a typo
mistake. So for Mike's benefit, . . ."

Blimey, thank you Colin for your patience in dealing with me not knowin'
irony - irony in this instance being defined as "communication that is
not meant literally."  It's na my fault . . . my parents were British and
when the Troubles began down under (those old convicts called us
"pommies"!) they had no choice but to flee.   Their flight to fleedom was
in an old Gypsy Moth in which there was no room for me me mum was so fat.
 I somehow hung on to some flying wires and was still attached when we
landed in New Guinea.  Those who came to greet us told mum I looked to be
a "tasty bugger" and offered to buy me on the spot and mum would likely
have sold me too . . . except instead of money all they had was something
with feathers on it so I survived from one place to another, flee, flee,
flee is all I remember.   I was only five so some of this is hazy.   Most
days all I had to eat was Marmite and a cracker.  I learned to read and
write by puzzling through remnants of a 1932 Readers Digest.  Blokes like
you come out of public schools and fly around the world and I so
appreciate you taking time for the likes of me and telling me about those
typo things.        

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