I recently saw a KR for sale that was "almost ready to fly".  After 
looking at it I looked up the tail number and the plane has been 
"deregistered", as well as the Airworthiness Certificate.  I've always 
thought that a deregistered aircraft was "dead in the water" but 
according to something I found on the web, there is apparently a path 
back IF the Airworthiness Certificate hasn't been "surrendered".  I 
needed clarification on this, and others may need it also.  I'm too lazy 
to look up the official regulation on this, but I'm sure it's not too 
hard to find.  From a thread on Vans Aircraft:

"Has the original airworthiness been surrendered? If so, the aircraft is 
"dead in the water".
Once the airworthiness certificate for an experimental amateur-built 
aircraft has been surrendered, there is no path back.
If the airworthiness is still valid, then no problem. It can be put back 
into service by going through a new phase I test program.
No one but the original builder is eligible for the repairman certificate."

Just FYI...

Mark Langford
ML at N56ML.com

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