Netters, In My KR2 Plan Book, page 85 ³Outboard Wing Panel Removal.² It says to cut it with a two inch rotary saw blade in a drill motor. Then after adding foam and one layer of glass to the open ends of the outer wing and the stub wing. Apply two layers of duct tape and apply a bead of dry macro, and reattach the wing. When you remove the wing and the two layers of duct you will have just enough room for primer and paint. If you are going to place a band around the wing to cover the joint, wouldn¹t it be better to leave 1/4 inch space between the outboard wing and stub wing? Wouldn¹t it be less chance of damage when attaching and removing the outboard wing?
Thanks, Jim Morehead Cameron Park, CA Sanding, Sanding and Sanding, but it is looking better every day.