I'm sending this again, as I don't think it went the first time.  Sorry if 
it post twice.

Well, here we go again:-)  My fuselage kit arrived on July 2nd. at 4:30PM to 
be exact.  I put in about 1/2 day Weds. evening, 1/2 Thursday and all day 
Friday, Sat. & Sun. (I was bachin it).  This week, I didn't try and drum up 
anymore than the nessessary work in my CPA practice, I was also able to put 
in a good 6-7 hours a day and evening together.  I am on the coaching staff 
of a high school football team and practice start Monday, so I wanted to get 
as much done as I could.  Anyway, for your viewing pleasure.

The aft fuselage is square and final drilled.  All buckheads up to the spar 
attachment section are primed at their overlap points and final riveted.  
The center section is just clecoed together.  This is the portion that shows 
the seat floor ribs and baggage compartment floor ribs.  The gray square 
buldhead is the seat back bulkhead.  I will detach the center section from 
the aft section this weekend and disassemble the aft fuselage for deburring 
and dimpling for the flush rivets and then priming.  The center section will 
remain together for final drilling.  I now have the seat floors and baggage 
compartment floors clecoed in the center section for added rigidity when I 
flip the center section over for final drilling.  These pics were taken 
before lunch yesterday.  So, you are looking at 8 days of work.  As you can 
see, I also had to redo my shop into the fuselage construction setup.


You start from the spar center section and build back these last bulkhead, 
where the HS and VS attach.  As you assemble the fuselage, you start back 
here and build forward.  It was very, very cool for me to put this part of 
the airplane together.


Anyway, after I took the above pics before lunch yesterday, I kept sneaking 
out of the office back to the shop so that I could complete these.  Believe 
it or not, it took a little time to fabricate the two angles of the side of 
each pedal, countersink, deburr and rivet the pedals together then get the 
throw just right so both pedals sat neutral.


Anyway, it sure is fun to open the shop door and see this big ol thing 
sitting there.  As a note, I have had to fabricate more little parts so far 
than I had to in the entire emp. and wings together.  Can I call myself a 
measely little tiny bit airplane builder??

How he sells this whole thing including all hardware, brakes, tailwheel, 
fittings, canopy, rivet, nut bolt and every little fitting you can imagine 
for 17.9 I'll never know.

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY
RV-7 slider/fuselage
Finish kit ordered!! Buying Instruments
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