Hi Brian , I also just bought and put on a props inc. prop. It is a 52 x 47
with a 2100d  revmaster it turns 3000 static . I will be in the air shortly
to see what it does in the air . I will let you know , KevinAt 11:18 PM
10/6/03 -0400, you wrote:
>I have a VW 2180 with a Props Inc.  prop.  I believe it is a 52 X 49 prop.
 It turns 3,000 RPM static, but it only unloads to about 3,100 RPM at full
throttle in the air.  I am also only getting slow cruise speeds and about
700 FPM climbs.  I have heard from one other person that has used one of
these props and got similar results so he switched to a Sterba prop and got
better climb and higher RPM and faster speeds in cruise.  Have other people
experienced bad results with the Props Inc. prop?
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