It has been indicated that the tail volume of the KR2 is too small. Greater 
elevator authority is justified in controling the stability of the plane. It 
has been suggested by competant aeronautical authorities that increasing the 
span of the elevator by 12 inches and increasing the cord of the elevator by 3 
inches will improve it's flying characteristics. Nice idea after you have 
previously built it according to plans. I am going to add foam to the ends of 
the present horizontal stabilizer. (6 inches on each end. I will glass it onto 
the existing tips with several layers of epoxy fibreglass.I will then lay up a 
number of layers of glass for a new trailing edge and overlay it onto the 
existing trailing edge and feather it out. I guess that I will have to 
rebalance it again when I am done. Any comments from interested parties would 
be welcome either + or -.
Harold Woods

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