my spelling is not my strong suit, go to the auto parts store , buy the item 
used to apply body puddy,I hope this clears up the comfusion,we use the afore 
mentioned method at American A/L when doing composit repairs
( epoxy resin/glass repairs) we use a rather stiff squ?????,flexable plastic 
applicator, sorry for my mental blocks

P.S. thanks Ron I got the package on thursday 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ron Freiberger 
  To: KRNET 
  Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2003 6:09 PM
  Subject: KR>use a puddy squigy 

  use a puddy squigy to work in the resin!

  I'll bet we won't find that in the archives!  What is a puddy squigy?
  Ron Freiberger

  see KRnet list details at

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