Before designing your aircraft to carry fuel in the outer wings, here are
a couple of issues to consider:

1) When dealing with the issue of loads on the WAF, you must also
consider the fact that by adding 60 pounds on the longest possible "arm"
from the WAFs, any flexing by the wing will or at least may place
enormous torque loads on the WAFs, possibly more than their design could
withstand. (read - wing failure)

2) Again, adding sixty pounds of "ballast" on the longest possible arm
from the longitudinal axis could greatly complicate spin recovery.
Remember, mass times acceleration equals momentum. It is quite possible
that after a two or three turn spin, you may not have enough rudder
authority to overcome the additional rotational momentum. (read - no spin

On Sun, 23 Nov 2003 21:24:49 -0800 "David Mikesell"
<> writes:
> I did some calculations for tube tanks before and came to the 
> conclusion
> that unless you can do a 11 to 12 in tube and it can be atleast 11 
> feet long
> you won't carry enough fuel to make any real difference.  It takes 
> atleast a
> 7 in diameter by 7 in length to make one gal......
> David Mikesell
> 23957 N. Hwy 99
> Acampo, CA 95220
> 209-609-8774
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Lee" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, November 23, 2003 8:58 PM
> I read some of the concerns about added fuel.  Someone stated(last 
> week I
> think) added fuel adds to the time in the cockpit.  (small cockpit). 
>  I have
> been looking at options about added fuel.  I have a dated KR with 
> retracts.
> No room in the stub wing for added tanks.  I have been looking at 
> options of
> adding tanks in the outer wings.  CG is a big part of my concern.  
> My idea
> is to take an Aluminum tube 5 -6 inces in diameter and fit it into 
> the void
> on the leading edge of the wing.  I would like sone feed back from 
> the
> group.
> Lee Van Dyke
> Mesa AZ
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Keith C. Krumwiede
Rosedale, IN

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