
thanks for your comments:

-) the flight was in LOGF Austria (Europe)
-) I build an will have to register the airplane in Austria under the
following conditions:
        -) 51 percent like with the FAA
        -) extensive 60 page test protocols to complete
        -) 50 hours total test flight time
        -) noise certificate
        -) and a flight characteristics review by the local authority
-) we were trying to do the flight characteristics review last Wednesday 
-) review went ok expect for the inspector induced ground handling problem
and the longitudinal stability
-) next review is scheduled in 3 months (hopefully with a different
-) the inspector never flew a KR before, his taildragger experience is
limited to PA18, but he did a test pilot course in the US.
-) if the authority inspector flies (I am already afraid of that happening
again) my airplane the Austrian government covers the insurance

my experience with the KR-2S/GPAS2180 plans build + belly board
-) first flight was done by another local authority inspector 1.Aug 2002 -
he overran the runway, slight prop damage
-) the next 5 flight hours were at an Air Force Base (12000ft runway) with a
retired Air Force pilot...super experienced and very interesting to work
with...using such a huge airfield is best to get to know the plane...
-) the remaining time to the 37 hours were flown by a glider tow pilot at a
1900ft long tar sealed airfield.
-) the glider tow pilot is also very experienced and he trained me on the KR
-) as of yet I have about 10 hours and I took off, flew and landed the KR
without my safety pilot interfering.
-) I still have to wait for the right timing to go for my real solo....
-) the airplane is very easy and delightful however it is a handful once it
is on the ground.


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