Good Call,

With limited vacation time and a family that demands - and rightfully so - a
good share of it, it is nearly impossible to justify more than one big
meeting per year, particularly if it is half way across the continent.

My destiny each year is OSHKOSH, for the simple reason that it is the most
complete gathering of all. Here I do not only meet folks building one or two
aircraft types, but can collect information on everything that is related to
building your plane at home. Whether it is all the developments around
aircraft engines, new building materials, Workshops, Avionics, you name it,
it most likely is there. So besides meeting the other folks it gives me the
most bang for the buck.

I chose to build the KR-2S for several reasons, the most important ones are:

1. Build to Plans: No major expense for purchasing a kit require. I can pay
as I go along, and I most likely go along as I can afford it. This may not
be the most effective way in doing it, but so be it.
2. Modifications: The simplicity of the design really invites to
modifications, after all from what I read and hear the KR-2 is the ancestor
of a lot of 'advanced' designs such as the GlasAir.
2. KR-Net: I found this group an extremely good example of comprehensive
knowledge and help that this available on the internet.

It is with some sorrow that I hear that KR-pilots do not come to the large
gatherings. IF would be nice if at least one or two finished KR's show up at
Oshkosh this year, as I have already booked my tickets for that show.

On the other hand I would certainly take the opportunity to visit a more
local fly-in or gathering. Our young Rhode Island Chapter 1363 is currently
organizing a fly in for late May, early June. I will keep you posted for the
exact dates.

Wakefield, RI

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2004 8:54 AM
Subject: KR>some of us dont have RV money!

I dream of going to the Kr gatherings but IM a realest I cant take that much
time off without a lot of planing and money.  IM not willing to give up my
fishing trip money  for others and spend that money to fly so far just to
back all rag out for others that may piss me off   because of there big
that have zero time in a Kr or a light aircraft  the fact is if i ran in to
of the folks the put me down for my poor spelling god help them IM Irish and
it would be pay back time.  I hope to make sun and fun and VA eaa fly in if
not that's life

give the poor folk a break the Kr wrote the book on economy thats how i made
my dream come true if you what to see a kr find somebody on the net and go
it fly maybe a ride

mac the knife and im on your six!
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