For the last couple of weeks I have been working on my stick design to hook 
up to my aileron bellcranks converted for push tubes.  The first one I came up 
with is almost finished and won't be finished.  It sucks, looks like sh**, 
works just as bad and I don't like it.   

  I threw it aside and said there has to be a better way.  I talked to myself 
out loud while starring into the cockpit and listed my needs, listed what 
didn't work and brainstormed from there.  What I was blessed with for an idea 
is so incredibly simple.  

  I am putting handles on the ends of the push tubes and running them into the 
cockpit about belly button high.  I will fly the wings like every kid in their 
imagination does with my arms pulling on them!  The elevator stick in my teeth 
and away I go!

 Seriously though I did come up with something much better, at least for now in 
my mind.  Time will tell when I get it built.

Steve McGee
Endeavor Wi. USA
Building a KR2S widened. 

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