>It wasn't readable so this time I pasted into notepad to convert it to plain
>text and then still had to add formatting.  It should be in straight ascii


I'm still having trouble making sense of the numbers.  My KR at
approx 1075 pounds appears to have a best glide speed, from
test flown, of about 75 mph indicated.  If I read my notes 
correctly it was 12 degrees C and pressure of 29.99 inches.
Does that sound about right.  I figured a decent rate of
535 fpm.  Not bad for an airplane with a 20 foot wingspan.
70 mph indicated was very close with 566 fpm or
a 3 second difference in 500 feet of altitude.  I'm not sure
my flying was that percise and either of these figures would
have a + or - error.

My best rate of climb appears to be between 80 and 90 mph 
but it was hard to duplicate the numbers from one test
to the next so I'm not sure how accurate they are.

Larry Flesner

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