I through the idea out there without giving it any thought. I really
didn't want 2 batteries. I have bought one and it will be mounted by the
morning. I'm getting excited, I have every thing to have the engine
running tomorrow. And Monday night the Allentown EAA chapter willl be
here to see my KR And a picnic supper.
Joe Horton

On Sat, 10 Jul 2004 08:59:11 -0700 "Louis Staalberg"
<n...@cbiwireless.com> writes:
> Putting two batteries in parallell is a *bad* idee. Supppose one cell 
> of
> one battery
> shorts internally. This happens frequently with automotive 
> batteries.
> The one battery then becomes a 10  Volt battery and the other one 
> will
> send
> an  extremely high current to that battery which can actually cause 
> that
> battery to
> explode.
> In order to prevent this you would have to put a large diode in 
> series
> with each
> battery to prevent either battery from discharging  into the other.
> Those diodes are big, get hot and need heatsinks. Talk to the RV 
> people.
> And then there is the problem of charging the batteries because the
> alternator
> cannot put charging current back thru the diodes.
> Series connecting two 6 Volt batteries is the only way if you want 
> to
> use
> two batteries. If the one is extremely far from the other, you can
> always
> use a slightly heavier cable for that one.
> Just my and Ohms's opinion!
> yson, Arizona
> n...@cbiwireless.com
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Joe Horton

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