Guess this is more reason to start supporting the SAA...should be about the
quality of building,not the quantity on money spent...

Bob Glidden
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Oscar Zuniga" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 5:33 PM
Subject: KR> EAA, flybys, Gathering

> Folks, don't expect EAA to be able to accommodate type clubs or group
> fly-bys at Oshkosh anymore.  They've gotten way beyond that point unless
> (like the Bonanza guys or the warbirds) it's extra impressive.  A
> anniversary for a design/type would be hard to get them to approve (unless
> you're a mass fly-by of RV's).  It's far better, and more rewarding, to
> type gatherings such as the KR Gathering at a more friendly venue among
> friends and aficionados of the type.
> The Pietenpol is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year, and had an
> overwhelming turnout at the Brodhead gathering (the "KR Gathering" of the
> Pietenpol world).  But can you imagine what would happen if the Piet guys
> staged a fly-by at Oshkosh?  At 60-65 MPH, it would take forever to get
> all together, and people would nod off to sleep as they droned by.  Don't
> get me wrong; I'm a Piet owner myself, but the big shows are just not
> interested in little stick airplanes anymore.  If it costs under $35K or
> has no international marketing or presence, isn't sold in a blister-pack
> with a complete instructional video and connect-the-dots construction
> manual, it won't get to first base.
> If you want attention for your KR, come fly over Crawford, TX and you'll
> it.  Try a low pass at treetop height, flat out at 200 MPH so you can see
> the earphones in the Secret Service guys' ears.  You will have instant,
> national recognition for your KR!!!!!!!!
> do not archive
> Oscar Zuniga
> San Antonio, TX
> mailto:
> website at
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