The subject of sealed batteries came up.

 For those of you who haven't heard about them yet.... they have been on
the market now for about 6-8 years. 
Concorde battery started with the technology and now Gill also sells
them for aircraft.

This are available for certified A/C and come in all the sizes and
voltages to fit almost every application.

They cost a little more than the old flooded type lead acid batteries,
but there is no hazardous shipping with them. As a matter of fact,
Aircraft Spruce sells them and they pay the shipping.

The great thing about these batteries is that they require no box for
mounting AND they don't leak, vent or spew acid all over. Performance is
every bit equal to the old flooded type. Actually, they have a model
they call "XC (for extra cranking) that will  out perform the flooded

For those of you wanting an "aircraft type" battery or that have a "spam
can" that needs a battery...... do yourself, your aircraft AND your
mechanic a favor and use these new sealed ones.

John Sickafoose
A&P, Technical Counselor
Naples, Fl

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