IIRC the Mustang 2 is by the same designer, and started as a 2 place version.
Bill Higdon

> Brian my father is finishing a Mustang II is that anything like a Midget?  If 
> so 
> he might be able to send you in the right direction.
> Steven Phillabaum
> > 
> > From: "Brian Kraut" <>
> > Date: 2004/08/31 Tue AM 12:15:56 GMT
> > To: "KRnet" <>
> > Subject: KR> Midget Mustang
> > 
> > I am looking at a Midget Mustang that is nearly done that I may buy while I
> > finish the 2S.  Anyone have any time in one that can comment on how they
> > fly, particularly, as compared to a KR-2?  The specs are fairly similar.
> > 
> > Brian Kraut
> > Engineering Alternatives, Inc.

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